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Torq's GM Style Sheet: Welcome to the Neon Gutter!
We're all here to have a good time and play some Shadowrun! I will almost always prioritize the enjoyment of the session over small rule or lore details. While we can turn these into learning experiences it's often better to continue on in a session rather than get caught up in something insignificant.
Player Agency and You!
The ShadowHaven values the comfort and respect of all of its players and that goes just the same for games at my table. Every game will use the ShadowHaven X-Card System.
Respect Your Fellow Chummers!
Shadowrun is ultimately a team sport and so should everyone on the run feel like a team (yes, even me the GM). Everybody makes mistakes and nobody knows all the rules of the game so let's all be in it together and come out as friendos.
Rule of Cool
While I generally try and keep my runs bound in reality, sometimes something a player will suggest is just too cool to be disregarded. If you have an idea that sounds silly, bring it up to me. I may reject it but you'd be surprised how often I will be willing to suspend my disbelief for a moment so you can do something wicked awesome!
Most of the Time, Things Will Be Just Fine
While I do create runs with twists, don't come expecting trap runs! I will pick characters I feel can complete the run just fine. Behave like the shadowrunning professionals you are (no stompin' out of meets!), have a solid plan ahead of time, and more often than not you'll walk out with nuyen and karma. Consequences exist in Shadowrun, make no mistake, but I will try to present you with routes that mitigate the aforementioned.
Important Contacts
Stay Tuned!
Page created with Tek Support. - Doing weird-ass obsessive shit because I'm bored since 1985.