Difference between revisions of "User:Samitefan1"

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(Added GM Style Sheet)
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+5 GMP for [[A Funky Introduction]] AAR and pAAR 05/08/2021 (5 total)
+1 GMP wiki error bounty 05/13/2021 (6 total)
+1 GMP wiki error bounty 05/17/2021 (7 total)
-4 GMP to Funk for Primed Charge CF 05/19/2021 (3 total)
+1 GMP wiki error bounty 05/22/2021 (4 total)
+1 GMP for pAAR for [[Road Kill]] (5 total)
+1 GMP for pAAR for [[Smash n' Smash]] (6 total)

Revision as of 05:41, 27 June 2021


As a GM, I like to try to choose a variety of runners, and try my best to choose runners who are equipped for the job. If you have a high chance of declining the job at the meet, it is less likely that I will pick you if I have other options I deem viable. This doesn't mean I *won't* pick you because of this likelihood, you're just less likely to be picked.

I have a similar policy on people likely to actively thwart or derail the run, although at times I may choose a time mostly or entirely of members likely to thwart/derail. In other words, I'll try to avoid creating a team composition likely to be in conflict over going with or against the run.

I try to ensure that my games are suitably dark and dystopian, as fits the theme of the setting. However, I am not afraid to inject some humor and hilarity into my games, so if you are looking for grimdark horror you should look elsewhere.

I think that actions should have consequences, and that the bigger the action, the bigger the corresponding consequence. I will not be afraid to escalate threat levels if runner actions dictate it, but I will also always signal that such a consequence is becoming more likely as it comes. If a runner does something very foolish, I have no qualms about proposing negative qualities and handing out Notoriety and Public Awareness when they are appropriate.



