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Salix currently lives in a suburban house in Auburm
A paraplegic gnome wiccan spellsniper who doesn't like her parents much.
* Magic: A (Mage)
* Attributes: C
* Metatype: C (Gnome)
* Resources: D
* Skills: D
Image: Pending
[[Carlos In Construction]]
Binkditinkle Overpipe disliked her parents, for reasons obvious to anyone who saw her SIN. She moved away from California Free State as soon as she turned 18, in order to get away from them. She moved to Seattle, but with her parentally-encouraged civil engineering degree she didn't have many options that appealed to her. She eventually settled on getting a job in the construction industry, by convincing the foreman at a job site she had a useful spell or two, with the help of Carlos, a barely-Awakened ork on the site.
As a female gnome in an industry heavily dominated by male orks and trolls, she faced discrimination at every turn; she was passed over for promotion a hundred times, and her input was ignored until restated by a larger, greener man. She was sick and tired of it, and looking around for a job, when she stumbled onto a team of low-level shadowrunners performing some industrial espionage on a construction site she was inspecting. Fortunately, they hadn't noticed her first, and she managed to talk to them without getting knocked out or killed. She provided them with some blueprints, and they gave her 5% of their pay.
After that, she decided shadowrunning was more fun and less discriminatory. Since then, she's picked up more combat spells and compensated her lack of legs with sniper skills, and repurposed her mapping spells to recon.
Link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5fDN12rn87DRnd6UUt3TS1HUjQ
<u>Notable Things</u>
A building in Tacoma, where 2 guards met with fatal accidents (See run: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowHaven/comments/6e1smo/this_is_the_safest_way_to_go_nobody_gets_hurt/ This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurt]). Every night, she summons a force 2 air spirit to go there and cast Fear on whoever's guarding the place at midnight.
+1 Shadowhaven, whatever that means
<u>Last Run</u>
[https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowHaven/comments/6e1smo/this_is_the_safest_way_to_go_nobody_gets_hurt/ This is the safest way to go nobody gets hurt]  11-06-2017
<u>Drugs Used</u>
{| class="wikitable"
!Addiction Rating
!Addiction Threshold
!Addiction Type
!Date Last Taken
!Number Taken
|Little Smoke
|title = Shepherd
|title = Salix
|header1= Neo-Noir Private Investigator
|header1= Spellsniper
|label5 = Player
|label5 = Player
|data5 = /u/Nitsuj83
|data5 = /u/ryncewynde88
|label6= Metatype
|label6= Metatype
|data6 = Male Dryad
|data6 = Female Gnome
|label7 = Street Cred
|label7 = Street Cred
|data7= 0
|data7= 0
Line 88: Line 19:
|data10 =
|data10 =
|label12 =  Comments on Shadowgrid Profile
|label12 =  Comments on Shadowgrid Profile
|data12 = "Of all the low rent gumshoes you had to walk into my life..."
|data12 = None yet
|label13 = D.O.B.
|label13 = D.O.B.
|data13 = July 21st 2048
|data13 = August 19th 2053
|label14 = Folder
|label14 = Folder
|data14 =[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9yh10-OHufnRXlSZTEwWWdyUDg Link]  
|data14 =[https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5fDN12rn87DRnd6UUt3TS1HUjQ Link]  
|label16 = Priority
|label16 = Priority
|data16 = Extra Life Prime Runner <br />Metatype(Dryad) - B <br /> Attributes - B <br /> Magic - D <br /> Skills - B <br /> Resources - E
|data16 = Metatype (Gnome) - C <br /> Attributes - C <br /> Magic - A <br /> Skills - D <br /> Resources - D

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Former Knight Errant homicide detective who was a rising star within the corp, that was before his addictions made him blind to his corrupt partner. After being summarily kicked off the force and proceeding to burn his old life behind him Shepherd has found himself a new gig. Now with an office overlooking a disparate downtown neighborhood he rents out his services as a private investigator. Even in a world where everyone leaves a data trail or astral signature, sometimes what you really need a whiskey swilling investigator who can track anyone down regardless of noise or background count.  
Former construction worker fed up with the discrimination against her small size and disability on the site. After meeting a shadowrunner team when she stayed on site one night, she decided her talents were better suited to that life instead. She expanded her repertoire of skills and spells, and began running, or at least wheeling. In the shadows few care what you look like or if you can walk, and those that do are usually quite happy to change their assessment when they see what you're capable of.  

Just try to keep the lights on in his office that doubles as his home while also taking more morally flexible jobs to keep his drug habit in check.  
Staying alive and spiting her parents.  


A dryad who was born in Detroit and came up through Knight Errant after he displayed remarkable aptitude at criminal investigations, not only having a talent in forensics but criminal psychology as well. After he was transferred to Seattle the fey bred man became more and more reliant on narcotics, loco was always a reliable staple but as opposed to many other adepts his physical abilities never quite matched up other than his endurance. Thus he began abusing jazz regularly and his addiction ended up leaving him with a blind eye for what was happening around him. His former partner was on the take with the Finnegan's and once Internal Affairs discovered this they summarily fired Finn as well.  
Binkditinkle Overpipe disliked her parents, for reasons obvious to anyone who saw her SIN. She moved away from California Free State as soon as she turned 18, in order to get away from them. She moved to Seattle, but with her parentally-encouraged civil engineering degree she didn't have many options that appealed to her. She eventually settled on getting a job in the construction industry, by convincing the foreman at a job site she had a useful spell or two, with the help of Carlos, a barely-Awakened ork on the site.  

Taking what nuyen he had left and using the resources and contacts he had acquired over the years as a homicide detective, Finn burned his old life, his SIN, his past, even his family back in Detroit thought him dead. He set up an office in Downtown in a run down neighborhood where he splits his time running the shadows, solving cases that either people bring to him or get kicked his way from his old boss Rebecca Montez.  
As a female gnome in an industry heavily dominated by male orks and trolls, she faced discrimination at every turn; she was passed over for promotion a hundred times, and her input was ignored until restated by a larger, greener man. She was sick and tired of it, and looking around for a job, when she stumbled onto a team of low-level shadowrunners performing some industrial espionage on a construction site she was inspecting. Fortunately, they hadn't noticed her first, and she managed to talk to them without getting knocked out or killed. She provided them with some blueprints, and they gave her 5% of their pay.
After that, she decided shadowrunning was more fun and less discriminatory. Since then, she's picked up more combat spells and compensated her lack of legs with sniper skills, and repurposed her mapping spells to recon.

== Narrative Significant Qualties ==
== Narrative Significant Qualties ==
* Mentor Spirit (Wolf)
* Paraplegic
Wolf came to Shepherd while he was still training at the KE academy back in Detroit, it was a good fit however the stubborn streak in his mentor is just as relevant within Shepherd, never backing down even if it might kill him.  
Born without functional legs, Salix has spent most of her life either wheeling herself around or floating with magic.
* Photographic Memory
Salix has always been able to remember anything she tries to, for as long as she can remember. Which is quite a while. She likes to commit areas she scans with her spells and rituals to memory for later use.

''Wolf is recognized as a hunter and warrior worldwide. He is devoted to the other members of his pack. As the ancient saying goes, Wolf wins every fight but one—the one that kills him. Wolf magicians are loyal to friends and family unto death. They do not show cowardice in battle, and their word is their bond.''
Tradition: Wicca (Gardnerian)
* Profiler
Shepherd, despite his dependencies on drugs and alcohol always aims to be prepared, maybe its the years spent cracking criminals, regardless given the chance he will always do a little digging on someone he is going to meet, better to be prepared than surprised.

''If you know someone well, you can often guess their actions. Simple enough in theory, and something that you have mastered. Given enough information about someone, you are able to get into their head and know what buttons to push and how to manipulate them. With an appropriate dossier on a person and one hour to study it, you gain a modifier to your dice pool and your Social Limit on all Social Tests involving that person, equal to the net hits on a Matrix Search test (maximum +3).''
==Run History==
[https://www.reddit.com/r/ShadowHaven/comments/6e1smo/this_is_the_safest_way_to_go_nobody_gets_hurt/ This is the safest way nobody gets hurt] - 2017-06-11
''An appropriate dossier can be gathered via a Matrix Search test. The threshold is always at least 3, but depending on the individual may be as high as 6 (gamemaster’s discretion). The information required is always Obscure (–2 modifier) and may be On Another Grid (further –2 modifier, gamemaster’s discretion).''
''The downside to the character’s ability to profile others so well is an inability to react smoothly when unprepared. The character suffers –1 to their Social Limit in any and all situations where they could not prepare''
* Addictions (Currently: Jazz, Psyche, and Red Mescaline)
* Code of Honor - Noir Detective
*Symbiosis - Downtown Office
''If the character sets up residence in a certain location for a sustained period of time (more than a season, though the gamemaster determines the specific time period) he gradually becomes attuned to the place and his surroundings. While this grants the character a preternaturally intuitive understanding of the environment and its inhabitants, the bonding can be fatal when it occurs in polluted or desolate urban environments. In game terms, the character’s biorhythm and senses gradually adapt to the environment (Essence x 100 meters in radius) around his permanent residence—the place where he spends most of his time. The character makes a Body +Willpower (3) Test each month; if they succeed, they are attuned to their environment. If they fail, they are unattuned and left to feel incomplete or lost. It may be that the area in which they live is one where they do not want to be attuned and they want to actively resist the attunement. In that case, they get a –1 dice pool modifier on the test.''
''Once the bond is formed, it can only be broken if the character changes his home to form a new bond. They have to live in the new place for a full month to have a chance to break the old bond, and the bond is not broken until they succeed at the Body + Willpower (3) Test in the new neighborhood.''

''Symbiosis provides the character with preternatural insight and connection to everything living within his sphere of attunement. This grants him a +1 dice pool modifier on any Skill Test involving the Outdoor Skill Group as well as a modifier to all Social Tests with individuals residing within the area. In addition, the character possesses an intuitive grasp of what’s going on around him, and he is emotionally affected by the condition of the land. If a fire breaks out, he instantly becomes alarmed. If all inhabitants in the area coexist peacefully, he is blissful and healthy, providing +1 to any Healing Tests performed while in the neighborhood. On the other hand, environmental and social problems—like drug abuse, gang violence, and pollution—produce a somatic response in the character, leaving him sick and depleted; treat as a persistent Mild Allergy until the situation is rectified.''
== Stuff she's actively doing ==
*Vendetta - Kyle Redding
* Every night she summons a force 1 Air spirit to go and cast Fear on whoever happens to be on guard at the small office building she used as a sniper perch on her first run. This is because 2 different guards there suffered fatal accidents while trying to look for her or arrest her. She had nothing to do with them other than being present. She is now trying to facilitate a story about a haunting.
Nothing will stop Shepherd from tracking down his no good ex partner who hung him out to dry and cost him everything, even if Shepherd deludes himself into thinking he wasn't at least partially responsible for his own situation.
==Run History==


* [[Djinn|'''Djinn''']] - Connection 5, Loyalty 2 Fixer
* [[Carlos In Construction|Carlos]] - One of the few orks who respected her on the site; he had a touch of Talent and could see the astral. He knew what she was dealing with, and how much she was actually contributing to the site.
* [[John Baptise|'''John Baptise''']] - Connection 2, Loyalty 5 Best Friend/Taxi/Witch Doctor
* [[Rebbeca Montez|'''Lt. Rebbeca Montez''']] - Connection 5, Loyalty 2 KE Homicide Detective/Ex-Boss
* [[Jimmy Cheng|'''Jimmy "The Ghoul" Cheng''']] - Connection 5, Loyalty 2 Triad Snitch
* Dr. Tiffany Free-Wind - Connection 4, Loyalty 3 Street Doc
* Jake Tapper - Connection 1, Loyalty 2 Barrens Bum

*Knight Errant - Ex Homicide Detective, but that SIN has been '''BURNED'''
*Construction union, still technically a member.

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==Symbols and Signatures==
==Symbols and Signatures==
Her astral form is not disabled and has perfectly formed legs. When she manifests, she walks around in the manner she's seen others do. She glows with a faint silvery light, as if in moonlight.

==Matrix Search Table==
==Matrix Search Table==
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* [[Deckard Keyes]] - Rating 4 Fake Nation SIN (UCAS)
* Clarissa Davenport - Rating 4 Fake SIN (UCAS) Construction mage.
* Binkditinkle Overpipe - Real, completely legit SIN (CFS) Construction mage and qualified civil engineer.


=== Meat Space ===
=== Meat Space ===
Small, in a black wheelchair. Red hair, shoulder-length. Freckled skin, green eyes.

=== Clothing ===
=== Clothing ===
Typically wears a par of blue jeans and a green t-shirt, and plasteel-toed boots, union-issued.

===Tastes and Style===
===Tastes and Style===
Music: Classical Jazz as well as Neo-Jazz
Music: Old rock, from the late 20th and early 21st century.

Food: Booze, Booze, Ramen, Booze
Food: Whatever's cheap and not too unhealthy.

==Media Mentions==
==Media Mentions==

==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
==ShadowGrid Profile Comments==
+1 Shadowhaven from first run. No idea what that means, but it's there anyway.

{| class="wikitable"
!Addiction Rating
!Addiction Threshold
!Addiction Type
!Date Last Taken
!Number Taken
|Little Smoke
[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]

Revision as of 20:16, 17 June 2017

MetatypeFemale Gnome
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
Comments on Shadowgrid ProfileNone yet
D.O.B.August 19th 2053
PriorityMetatype (Gnome) - C
Attributes - C
Magic - A
Skills - D
Resources - D

Character Information


Former construction worker fed up with the discrimination against her small size and disability on the site. After meeting a shadowrunner team when she stayed on site one night, she decided her talents were better suited to that life instead. She expanded her repertoire of skills and spells, and began running, or at least wheeling. In the shadows few care what you look like or if you can walk, and those that do are usually quite happy to change their assessment when they see what you're capable of.


Staying alive and spiting her parents.


Binkditinkle Overpipe disliked her parents, for reasons obvious to anyone who saw her SIN. She moved away from California Free State as soon as she turned 18, in order to get away from them. She moved to Seattle, but with her parentally-encouraged civil engineering degree she didn't have many options that appealed to her. She eventually settled on getting a job in the construction industry, by convincing the foreman at a job site she had a useful spell or two, with the help of Carlos, a barely-Awakened ork on the site.

As a female gnome in an industry heavily dominated by male orks and trolls, she faced discrimination at every turn; she was passed over for promotion a hundred times, and her input was ignored until restated by a larger, greener man. She was sick and tired of it, and looking around for a job, when she stumbled onto a team of low-level shadowrunners performing some industrial espionage on a construction site she was inspecting. Fortunately, they hadn't noticed her first, and she managed to talk to them without getting knocked out or killed. She provided them with some blueprints, and they gave her 5% of their pay.

After that, she decided shadowrunning was more fun and less discriminatory. Since then, she's picked up more combat spells and compensated her lack of legs with sniper skills, and repurposed her mapping spells to recon.

Narrative Significant Qualties

  • Paraplegic

Born without functional legs, Salix has spent most of her life either wheeling herself around or floating with magic.

  • Photographic Memory

Salix has always been able to remember anything she tries to, for as long as she can remember. Which is quite a while. She likes to commit areas she scans with her spells and rituals to memory for later use.

Tradition: Wicca (Gardnerian)

Run History

This is the safest way nobody gets hurt - 2017-06-11

Stuff she's actively doing

  • Every night she summons a force 1 Air spirit to go and cast Fear on whoever happens to be on guard at the small office building she used as a sniper perch on her first run. This is because 2 different guards there suffered fatal accidents while trying to look for her or arrest her. She had nothing to do with them other than being present. She is now trying to facilitate a story about a haunting.



  • Carlos - One of the few orks who respected her on the site; he had a touch of Talent and could see the astral. He knew what she was dealing with, and how much she was actually contributing to the site.


  • Construction union, still technically a member.



In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Her astral form is not disabled and has perfectly formed legs. When she manifests, she walks around in the manner she's seen others do. She glows with a faint silvery light, as if in moonlight.

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table


  • Clarissa Davenport - Rating 4 Fake SIN (UCAS) Construction mage.
  • Binkditinkle Overpipe - Real, completely legit SIN (CFS) Construction mage and qualified civil engineer.


Meat Space

Small, in a black wheelchair. Red hair, shoulder-length. Freckled skin, green eyes.


Typically wears a par of blue jeans and a green t-shirt, and plasteel-toed boots, union-issued.

Tastes and Style

Music: Old rock, from the late 20th and early 21st century.

Food: Whatever's cheap and not too unhealthy.

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments

+1 Shadowhaven from first run. No idea what that means, but it's there anyway.


Drug Addiction Rating Addiction Threshold Addiction Type Date Last Taken Number Taken
Jazz 8 3 Both 11-06-2017 1
Psyche 6 2 Psychological 11-06-2017 1
Little Smoke 6 3 Psychological 11-06-2017 1