Yuki Sagara

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Revision as of 06:30, 24 March 2018 by Dusk (talk | contribs)
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Yuki Sagara
SIN Forger{Swag}
Contact OwnerDusk
Public Contact?No
LocationHonolulu, Hawaii
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen/Favors
Personal LifeMarried to Yokai


Yuki Sagara is the daughter of Boss Iwamoto Tanaka of the Watada Rengou. She had a very controlled childhood but her teen years were rebellious, filled with drugs and parties. After meeting with Yokai they fell in love but the actions of Boss Tanaka forced them apart. Eventually fate brought back Yokai to Japan where he rescued her from the Shedim, her now possessed ex-boyfriend who was essence draining her and eventually her abusive father and arch nemesis of Yokai, Boss Tanaka who had sought the refuge of HMHVV after Yokai had disabled him the first time. A recovering Shade addict, Yokai took Yuki away from all the violence and pain to the serene shores of Hawaii where they married. She now works for the local gumi in Honolulu. Yuki during her teenage years picked up the skill of forgery and is actually an expert SIN forger. Together with her contacts and pull with the Yakuza and a bit within MCT she can get some stuff done.

This is a Pvt Contact and is considered as "Family" for Yokai

Key Dice Pools

Negotiation: 6 (Ranks) + 2 (Bargaining) + 6 (Charisma) + 4 (SINs): 19 [11]

Etiquette: 4 (Ranks) + 2 (Yakuza) + 6 (Charisma) + 1 (Dress) + 3 (Pheromones): 14+2 [11]

Con: 4 (Ranks) + 6 (Charisma) + 1 (Dress): 11 [11]

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Edge Essence
2 3 3 2 6 5 3 3 4 4.15
Condition Monitor 10+4 (Physical), 10 (Stun)
Limits Physical (4), Mental (5), Social (10+1)
Initiative 8+1d6
Skills Negotiation: 6 (Bargaining), Etiquette: 4 (Yakuza), Con: 4, Pistols: 4 (Semi-Automatics), Forgery: 2 (False ID)
Knowledge Skills Japanese: N, English: 6, Syndicates: 5 (Yakuza), Underworld: 4 (Drugs), Magical Threats: 2, Awakened Hangouts: 1, Corporation (MCT): 1
Ware Used Tailored Pheromones 3, Datajack
Gear and Property Lifestyle (High), Fake SIN (Rating 6), Fuchi Cyber-X7, Goggles (Visual enhancement 3), Headphones (Audio enhancement 3), Medkit (Rating 6), Savalette Guardian, 1 dose of Shade.
Armor Berwick dress
Vehicles Hyundai Shin-Hyung


Player Characters with this Contact

Name Chips Owed/Owned
Yokai Even

NPC who know this contact