The Burden of Blood

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The Burden of Blood
Part of Amatsu Kaze
LocationSeattle, Tacoma
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Celicy Vist
Koori Ui
Ena Okkotsu
Major Corp


Celicy Vist has taken over the cult run by her mother. Not to run it herself, but to make sure that any person who dares spark the flames of possibility meet a quick and untimely death. No person will kill or harm in her family's name, any longer.


The blood that binds you, do you remember being born? The life inside you from DNA and genetics passed onto you from your parents. Are you so beholden to them that you'd follow their footsteps, clinging to cloying ideals that stuff wool in your pitiless eyes? Blinded by the way you are, unnable to see the sun though you stare at it, retina burning from the passion and desire you espouse. The words you say cut the deepest, shred the hardest, cull the weakest.

The Kotomine family was born into a cult, but Celicy Vist, adopted into that family, was always different. An outlier of outliers, she was second to her sister, Nearl, who's ability to control other's actions and read minds through magic powers was adopted into the cult like a well trained dog, an oiled machine. She looked after her family the best she could, until her family was fractured over the globe. Celicy was wisked away to Europe, her younger brother Lath to Japan, and at the time Kolya (now known as Nearl) stayed in Seattle.

Years later, she finds the remnants of the cult that tore her family apart, so she rips the leader from it, culling those who were there, and now Celicy is the leader of the Followers of the Iron Thorn Rep, and intends to kill any person espousing the old cults beliefs or trying to join it now. Though, she shares compassion for those who are vulnerable enough to get scooped up into it.

The Meet

Rurosha is called by Ghostwire (Contact), letting her know that Celicy, someone Rurosha saved earlier this year, was back in town. Celicy wished to talk to Rurosha, but she had been unnable to as she burned her commlink after getting back into Seattle. Upon meeting, the two had a genial conversation, where Celicy thanked Rurosha for saving her. She also offered Rurosha a bottle of Nearl's own Whisky, having broken into her office to have the conversation.

Next, Celicy asked Rurosha to and asks a task of her; go to the docks where a group of people are gathering, thinking they'll be inducted to the cult. Dispose of them as she sees fit, but make sure they know one thing clearly: They will not be joining the cult.

The Plan

Rurosha stalked the crowd and saw someone sticking out from the rest. She messaged them to see if they'd work together, and given the catgirl's willingness to commit violence upon the cult crier at the docks, Rurosha and the girl waited for a moment to strike before attacking.

The Run


Those who thought to join the cult were dissuaded from doing so, and Celicy gained good information about where more might be gathering. Rurosha and Ena head downtown and nab Seattle's yummiest Sheppard's pie.


6ooo Nuyen - 3 RVP
6 Karma - 6 RVP
10 CDP - 5 RVP
2 CDP - base
+ 5 Followers of the Iron Thorn Rep
Optional Rewards
Celicy Vist C4 L4 - 7 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)