Luz Mala

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Luz Mala
Luz Mala 2.jpg
Xué Torreblanca AKA "Luz Mala"
Least edgy black mage
Aztlan shall fall
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.February 12, 2011
PriorityMetatype - D
Attributes - D
Magic/Resonance - A
Skills - A
Resources - E
#Max IGs/Ascension1

Character Information


Black mage/enchanter with a some face skills


Luz Mala's main goal is to extract revenge on Aztlan, (mainly Aztechcorp) for the atrocities committed during the Aztlan-Amazonian war.


There was always a speck of magic in the colonial streets of Bogota. The city, that stood high in the andean mountains was frequented by lunatics and self proclaimed witches and warlocks long before the current magic cycle. Xue's family, the Torreblancas, was regarded as an odd bunch. They owned a bookstore in one of the picturesque streets of the Candelaria neighborhood that was known at the time as one of the oldest bookstores in all the city, containing a collection of occult related literature that was well appreciated by its niche clientele. The bookstore hid dark secrets under the counter, some said, with people reporting some sort of chanting that could be heard coming from the bookstore in specially dark nights.

The truth wasn't so far from the rumors, the Torreblanca family was indeed immersed in the occult, and it was common for the bookstore to be the stage of spiritism sessions and strange rituals after hours, when its doors closed to the public. In a moonless night of 2011 Xue was born and as he cried for the first time all electronics close-by began malfunctioning, a quirk that would trouble him all his life, yet, for his parents, proof of the occult prowess of the newly born, his pointed ears and eerie yellow eyes an undeniable sign that the world was undergoing dramatic changes. Magic took hold inside the child, and Xue's parents treasured the chance to raise the perfect heir, and so Xue's childhood was a solitary, secluded one in which he was treated as a saint, never allowed to go outside the family home for fear he might be corrupted by the sleepers.

The years passed and eventually Xue took hold of his family's legacy. By this point awakened had become public knowledge, but yet the mundane masses still saw mages with distrust. The catholic church, the country's main religious entity, began a campaign against the so called demons, meaning everyone that showed supernatural capabilities, this left many awakened without a place to go, and thus Xue decided to turn the family's bookstore into a refuge for the pursued. It was hard at first, people's mentality was predominantly conservative, and so years passed before the distrust began to wane, when it did, however, it was the beginning of a golden age that would last decades for the Torreblancas.

Xue became known as a philanthropist, with his aid many mages had managed to understand and better control their powers, in turn proving useful to the society that not so long ago stigmatized them. The city that would've once burnt all mages at the stake now was one of the most progressive in terms of awakened's rights and freedom. The bookstore took many forms throughout this years: a reffuge at first, now closer to a school, and when decades later whispers of war between Amazonia, the new power that had taken hold of the city when the old colombian government collapsed, and Aztlan, the huge corporate super power to the north, reached his ears, the bookstore also became the stage of political rallies organized by the awakened youth that predominantly supported Amazonian sovereignty, mostly due to the leeway it had demonstrated towards mages when they took over the city and the relative independence the city had enjoyed since.

Xue himself was reluctant to take a side in the boiling conflict, war was no place for him or the awakened community he had nurtured all his life, yet when war was deemed inevitable many mages voiced their intention of assisting the southern nation on the battlefield, which kept creeping closer and closer to Bogotá. Tragedy first struck when Xue's own apprentice was reported death on action, having left the bookstore after a heated argument between him and his master, his absence was sadly one of many that would follow, as the situation grew more dire.

The Torreblanca family had always cared for antique grimoires and occult paraphernalia, and so they had accumulated a trove of alleged magic relics even since before the current magic cycle. Turns out some of them became powerful artifacts when magic awakened. One specific grimoire he kept hidden, it was a treatise on demonology and other black magics he had deemed too dangerous. His magics and the kinds of powers he taught were not meant for violence, always prioritizing the practicality and helpfulness of magic over its destructive capabilities. War mages were a recent bunch, his now dead apprentice had created all sorts of offensive magical formulas that would have horrible applications on the battlefield, yet even those were proven insufficient as death began encroaching on his loved ones.

He could not allow more people to die due to his lack of determination. Now the explosions were visible from the bookstore, lightning up the nights with ominous glow, while the civilian population desperately tried to evacuate the city. Xue turned to the dark powers the antique grimoire contained, hoping they could prove decisive in the battle to come, where he would lead the remaining mages in a last attempt to keep the Aztlani forces from laying siege to the city.

The details of what he went through are not known, since Xue refuses to speak about that time, yet what came to be of the city, now under Aztlani control, is common knowledge. When the war reached its catastrophic end Mauricio Quiroga, grandson of one of the first and most renowned mages that took refuge on Xue's bookstore, managed to set up safe passage for him to the city of Seattle, where he resided, offering a place to lay low and outrun any Aztlani thugs that could still be on his trail. With nowhere else to go Xue, who later took on the alias "Luz Mala", began his journey.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Focused Concentration 3: I've been doing this a loooong time.
  • Quick Healer: War makes one tough.
  • Speed Reading: It all started with a bookstore.
  • Witness my Hate: My enemy's destruction is worth all the pain I must endure.


  • Big Regret: If I had taken a stance sooner I could've saved them all.
  • Driven: Nothing will keep me from getting my revenge.
  • Gremlins 4: Deckers and riggers usually dislike me.

Run History

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Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Cairn 5 2 Fixer(G,N,K,A) Collector of Baubles That Which Bears Many Curses, Collector of the Rare and Exotic, Rarity Is the Best Currency, Esoteric Curiosities, Spirit of the Lost, Whispers in the Pipes, A Simple Trade Even
Mauricio Quiroga 2 4 Gear Arcane shopkeeper Awakened Hangouts, Magical Gear, Magical Security Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Table

Threshold Result




Matrix Persona

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