Naomi's Nefarious Negotiation

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Naomi's Nefarious Negotiation
LocationDowntown, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Medium (Might escalate to high depending on how well protected the choreographer is.)
Factions Involved
Naomi Fisk
Flash Star!
Chameleon Reina Taylor
Casualties and losses
Convinced to give Chameleon a job to get Naomi Picked



The Meet

Naomi calls Chameleon to ask about receiving some assistance with her negotiations with Flash Star! She wants Chameleon to acquire some blackmail on Reina Taylor without tipping them off. Chameleon agrees and does a cursory matrix search in order to get some basic information on both.

The Plan

From there, he contacts Axxess and Skinshedder to have them perform deeper matrix searches for him to see if he can’t gather some additional info. He’s able to discover Reina’s home address as well as the fact that she has 2 roommates, 1 of whom is a security conjurer. Chameleon sets a grid guide to take him by the apartment to check out the security features nearby. He does a pass by and then starts calling contacts to work out some plans. He calls Der Opa to create a forged business proposal, but isn’t able to get a hold of contacts to arrange a meeting that day, or navigate the bureaucracy themselves. Later that night, Chameleon taps Quentin Alvarez to drop him off and pick him up after he deploys some stealth tags on various windows. The next day, he is able to identify the residents of the different private areas in the apartment. He disguises himself as Viktor Lazlo again and starts his work for the day. He manages to successfully make his way through Flash Star!'s bureaucracy and arrange an appointment with Reina. Eventually, he decides that he’ll try offering to do a shadowrunner job in exchange for Naomi receiving the role as choreographer. If that doesn’t work, then He’ll contact the french intelligence officer he knows in order to get some blackmail on her. He grabs a new disguise and makes his way over to Flash Star! To meet Reina in her office. Once he’s inside, he makes a business proposal to Reina. He’ll do a shadowrunning job for her that doesn’t involve wetwork. Reina counters with a proposal to injure the current top pick for the choreography role in order to make it easier to promote Naomia, and do a shadowrunning job for her in exchange for getting Naomi picked. Chameleon agrees and we break for the week so I can figure out what injuring the competition will look like.

The Run



4 hour runtime

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)