Tells in a gear

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Tells in a gear
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Jane Excalibur


The goal was still a prototype part made for a large 3D printer that is use to make goods and that due to the part being top secrets made by the azzies who wanted to keep it hidden to be able to make a knock off.


Aztechnology has put good part of their RND into focusing on producing a new type of component for their manufacturing systems to being able to increase their production and quality of their cheaply made knock offs. of course, other corporations would like to have access to technology, and so after a mole in their system, found information about this would lead to interesting tale of acquisition.

The Meet

The team of runners would meet at a club that has been label as a no fire-zone by groups working in the shadows and where they meet a rare sight in the shadows. a professional Johnson who went by the name Mr.'s Graves, who has requested for each of the runners and love to toy with the clients trying to milk the most money out of them and for he get paid as well if the job is done...the drawback is the greediness of both parties

The Plan

The plan was to go scout at the building over the matrix and try to find out the lay out of the guards and other threats that will show up, and then check it out in meat to make sure the layout of the building is right. going over the matrix finding out that a the number of guards will be increased and the building has two matrix people working there. after doing a enough scouting and playing around on the matrix they would start to do their plan to act as part of the new security.

The Run

The runners move in on their plan and acted like guards for the building to avoid being caught, even if some of them wanted to break out into combat but cooler heads won the day and getting to the room where the data was held on a massive 3d printer that was going to start making the parts next week. Using charm and not seeming like they are shadowrunners they were able to steal the info to make the part, but there was a few chances of them being caught but by luck they made it out and back to the Johnson who collected the info a few days later and paid the runners.




10k (5 RVP) or 20k Cars,magic stuff and ware at 16avi

4k Bonus

5 Karma (5 RVP)

4 CDP (2 RVP)

Base 2 CDP

Optional Mr.'s Graves 4/1 (4 RVP)

Game Quotes

Shugi "the task was surprisingly simple, few times i was worried we would be found out but.. oddly enough we managed to fly under their senses.. this doesn't happen often"

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Lumina: "Nice, smooth, and straight to the point without much of an issue. Being subtle every now and then does pay off."