Broken Cage

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Broken Cage
LocationRedmond, Seattle
Status Threat Level: Deadly
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Ares
Mystic Murray
Casualties and losses


The runners are hired to get someone out of an Ares blacksite. They do so without any major hitches.


At some point in the past, Mr. Johnson's friend's sister was black-bagged by Ares. Said friend had only just now tracked the sister down.

The Meet

The runners were pitched the job: get Mr. Johnson's friend's sister out of the blacksite. The J wasn't entirely clear on why the sister, one Amy Weaver, was in there to begin with, but the runners accepted the explanation of "unusual genetics." After some haggling they accepted the job.

The Plan

After some snooping around the site's host, Trades got all the info the runners needed. It was discovered that the location was connected to Redmond's disused train tunnels, and a plan was formulated. 1) Trades would drive her car through the tunnels to the location, with the other runners inside. 2) Trades would set explosives in the tunnel--a surprise tool to help the runners later. 3) Trades would use hacked turrets and doors to neutralize the security guards (via locked security doors) and mage (via turrets and bullets) for enough time for the rest of the plan to happen. 4) Misfire and Mystic Murray would cut through the wall separating the facility and tunnel with miniwelders. 5) Mystic Murray and Misfire would get in, grab the target, and exit to the waiting vehicle. 6) Opposing spirits left after the mage was neutralized would be dealt with by Mystic Murray's spirits (if dematerialized) or conventional violence from Misfire, Murray, and spirits (if materialized). 7) Explosives would be detonated after the car cleared the tunnel, collapsing it and preventing direct pursuit. 8) The runners would drive from Redmond to the OU, where they could lose any tail.

The Run

The plan unfolded more or less as laid out by the runners beforehand. Trades left the security shift's conjurer bleeding out on the floor using a jumped-in turret, and the two trolls cut through the wall before any response could be mobilized. Misfire grabbed the unconscious extraction target and booked it for the car. Mystic Murray assensed Amy Weaver and scanned her as being some kind of HMHVV strain, but didn't care enough to say anything about it. His spirits and Misfire's bullets swiftly dealt with the one spirit that showed up to block their escape, and the tunnel collapsed behind them on the way out.


Unbeknownst to the players, Amy Weaver was an Invae Nymph who had used Masking to hide her nature from the runners. The implications of this are as of yet undetermined.


  • 20k Nuyen (10 RVP)
  • Either gear rates on magical gear 15 avail or lower, or Trades gets a chip
  • 8 Karma (8 RVP)
  • 4 bonus CDP (2 RVP)
  • 2 CDP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Things ended up going cleanly on my end. I was worried that their conjurer might not pull through after I unloaded an HMG into her, but she ended up putting some stuff up in her meFeed a few days after we finished our business. I'm glad. I'm not sure my conscience would have rested well if she hadn't survived. She seemed to be treating her spirits well, and those sort of actions deserve respect.

Mystic Murray

"Piece of cake. Just like I said. Feels good to be taking swings at the big ones again."