The Empire Strikes Back

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The Empire Strikes Back
Part of Toy Stories
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Skraacha Chulos
Supervisor Squad Smiley Chulo
Slice Mike
Casualties and losses
None :> Supervisor Squad None :>


The Gang Gets Hired to Blow Up an Underground Plushie Workshop.

They almost got it all!


Skraacha stole some plushy tech from SK, and SK wants them to stop making counterfeit Lofwyr Plushies. Really badly.

So Shadowrunners get to bring an end to the toy making spirit.

The Meet

Mnemosyne, Samael, Meltdown, and Jin all arrive to the Black Tie Affair, dressed as fine as they can. Meltdown is the least dressed up out of the entire group.

The Johnson is up front and brisk about how they want the job, noting that 5k will be paid up front as a bonus - but requires that the negotiations for better pay be skipped. The total pay will be 25k nuyen for the destruction of 12 PFAFF commercial sewing machines and a Coherent Light Applications numerically controlled laser cutter.

He gives the location - #2 Short Avenue, Carbonado - and explains that it's not the building on the surface, but within 50 meters and likely in the OU.

The Plan

Gizoogling the locale and all they could about the missing equipment, the gang opts to do some in-person scouting of the workshop the Johnson had detailed to the party.

It's quickly revealed that Chulos run surface security, with Skraacha running things underground.

Sam slappy hand tac grapples out into the courtyard, sneakin through the stinky building only to find the initial building to be a squatter hideaway. Defeated by further entry into the unit by a rug and table, Mnemosyne summons a giant snake spirit and fears the squatters out of the building - by both fear of snek and the fear power.

Samael, now with distraction at hand, scoots the table and the rug and moves through the trapdoor to find the underground section of this coal-town house. Moving east, he finds a room with a door and stairwell down to the south

Sam goes for the stairs, finds himself in pitch dark, and relies on thermovision. He navigates his way through the underground complex, eventually finding himself in the OU, where he finds the workshop with most of the equipment missing—only 2 sewing machines remain and a partially disassembled but notably different machine.

No guards, just workers. There are basic cameras to look over the workshop and make sure work continues safely, but nothing that will provide strong opposition.

Plan set to wait until shift change for half the party, who will then eep once the other two grab some folks from the shift change as it's the middle of the night

The Run

With the plan in motion to stay up and be the alarm clock, Jin keeps watch over the surroundings, waking the group and passing out around 6am.

Their sleep is short-lived as an hour or so in, the party is dropped in on by a spirit of man around 7, and Mnemosyne tails him back to his master. After a brief panic, involving a memory rewind of the op4, he races back, and the group starts on a chase to the Shaman's lodge.

Arriving with haste thanks to Sam's SAAB Dynamit, the group starts combat with the entirety of the Supervisor Squad.

This combat goes badly for the Supervisory Squad, the Runners wiping them out in less than a full combat round.


The party then splits - Meltdown and Sam chasing the runners with the laser cutter, always two steps behind; Jin and Mnemosyne destroying the crates at their site.

Eventually, after much searching and deliberation, the team calls it in and reaches out to the J. He's satisified, the runners are paid in full, and the OU team got away successfully


25k 12rvp + 1k bonus Gear rates for weapons, armor, electronic up to avail 16

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)