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Area of OperationOrk Underground, Seattle; Chicago

Faction Information


The largest gang in the Ork Underground and one of the main pillars of the many trog gangs in Seattle; the Skraacha (Or'zet for Scorchers) are a militant ork gang. They are the de-facto law enforcement and neighborhood watch of the OU, despite Renraku Neo-PD being the official police force. The people of OU have an overwhelmingly positive image of the Skraacha. The gang act as the guardians of OU and is fiercely devoted to the protection of the "ork people". Their paramilitary nature imparts purpose and discipline among the many jobless and angry ork kids who want to vent their anger at an enemy. Skraacha trains them and points them at Humanis. The Skraacha maintain good relations with pro-metahuman organizations like Mother of Metahumans as well as other trog gangs and policlubs like Sons of Sauron. The Skraacha train in their signature martial art "Rutra" which is a mish-mash of various techniques that have been optimized to work best with trog bulkiness and stength.

The Skraacha are also a criminal enterprise. The Skraacha have their paws deep in smuggling operations, especially illegal weapons since the nature of the OU allow them to transport contraband easily without being intercepted by KE. They are also involved in robberies and theft against targets they deem as enemies of the ork people.


  • Protect the ork and troll people of the Underground.
  • Defend the Ork Underground.
  • Oppose Humanis and anti-goblinoid organizations.
  • Expand their smuggling operations.
  • Keep the militia strong and well supplied.

Major Locations

NameArchetypeOwnerMetroplexNeighborhoodBackground CountNoise
Underhaven Grotto HotelUnderground Luxury HotelKirby FansbreathSeattleOrk Underground1 The Grotto itself has an incredibly calm neutral astral presence.3 until using the hotel signal booster.

Ork Underground, Seattle. Chicago




Mother of Metahumans, Sons of Sauron, Any ork or troll gang, School of Clashing Blades Smashing Fist


Humanis, Night Hunters, Neo-PD

Current Status


Health Summary



Amelia Novak1ServiceUrban Primitive
Anything Andy6GeneralistGeneralist
Ghaz2LegworkSkraacha Sheriff
Greg3FixerSkraacha Gumshoe
Hamish5GearOperations Manager: Underhaven Grotto Hotel
Kenneth "Flamesaw" Murphy2Custom(A,G,N,K)Ganger / Tough Guy
Kirby Fangsbreath7NetworkingMogul
Weirdboi3Custom(G,A,K,N)Skraacha Cyberdoc


NamePositionFaction Rep
Dezeroth A'kyerUnaffiliated1

Narrative Significant Runs

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
ALIENS?!J.R.Or'zet Underground19 January 2086
Crashing the white christmas partyJ.R.Or'zet Underground24 December 2085
Where the Wild Things DwellEddren21 December 2085
The Sewers Aren't SafeAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking26 October 2085
False DragonsVilliersToy Stories18 October 2085
Midnight DisappearanceLHOGThe Midnight Hands24 September 2085
Underhaven Grotto Prep 1: Quiet CleanoutJ.R.Or'zet Underground13 July 2085
KRIMETASTIKScranton19 June 2085
Psalms of the VoicelessFangblade_27 May 2085
Sweet StyleDawnfire10 March 2085
Diggin'Fangblade_15 November 2084
Who Can Say No To This Face, Part 3TidanShockWhen the hunters came to town28 June 2084
Groceries for Granny TuskEva12 February 2084
Handmade CoffeeAsmodeusFestering Infestation27 August 2083
Ghouls in my Ork UndergroundSleevey9 August 2082
Tug of WarAsmodeusThe Life and Times of One Kevin Crimes28 July 2082
Milliam's Errand DayAurora5 June 2082
Face Your FearsAsmodeusHail to the Pumpking15 April 2082
Aching & FesteringAsmodeusFestering Infestation11 April 2082
NuYou? No, you!AsmodeusFestering Infestation31 December 2081
ShadowcavernAsmodeus23 December 2081
Pull It By The RootsAsmodeusFestering Infestation19 December 2081
Krashing the KlavernSarcarian18 December 2081
Worlds CollideAsmodeus15 December 2081
Rage and SerenityAsmodeus8 December 2081
The Forgotten OnesAsmodeusFestering Infestation3 December 2081
Pure Black World TendencyAsmodeusFestering Infestation29 November 2081
When I Needed YouOB13 July 2081