Or'zet Underground
Or'Zet Underground is a Classic Pink Mirrorshades Shadowrun Metaplot set in Seattle with jobs occuring anywhere a unique musical or magical talent might be found. A massive music concert that brings the entertainment industry, the crime community and the shadow community together for 7 days of nonstop music, magic, and mayhem in the Seattle Ork Underground.
Early runs are focused on Talent Aquisitions/Extended Venue Aquisitions/Corporate intrigues and Getting the Emerald City ready above, and below the shadows for an influx of 60,000 people from all over the world, and the mayhem that comes with it, while KRIME jockeys for a new distribution point and Knight Errand tries to keep the whole thing from turning into Night of Rage 2.0.
Later runs up the ante with corporate and Skraacha intrigue, and work that needs to be handled in a VERY public Horizon funded music festival.
Trog runners and OU runners will be preferred candidates for any runs possible funded through the Or'zet Underground organization or Underhaven Grotto Hotel, even if they do not fit the bill exactly for the run.
Important Members
Crime Time- Executive Producer
Jerome Albreu- Festival Organizer and Event Director
Kathy McKlellen- Talent Acquisitions
MBody- A.I. Fixer
Horizon's goals for the festival are simple. Make as much money and publicity as possible, test relevancy of underground music styles to a diverse audience, use the festival to acquire national underground talent and affiliates, and build the biggest most outlandish festival they can under Seattle.
Important Members
Cheslav Ptchulinki- Marketing VP
Tusk Banger- Aquisitions VP
KRIME is here for one reason, and one only. To use this festival as a connection point with the Skraacha and offer to give the local gang a smuggling route, Krime priority status and networking opportunities into the KRIME runner family.
Important Members
The Underhaven Grotto Hotel and Event Center
Knight Errant
Important Members
Lt. Antwon Brigs -Seattle Public Relations
KE has one goal and one only, to keep 60,000 orks, trolls, and assorted fans from spilling out into Seattle proper, and to keep the Shadow side of the event off the streets and out of the public eye. That one goal in mind, the corporate puppet masters at Ares cannot be thrilled about KRIME looking for a Seattle distributor, and would be open to negotiations to shut that pipeline down.
Name | GM | Date | Runners |
ALIENS?! | J.R. | 19 January 2086 | Samsara Alkali Zero Moreau Huntress |
Or'zett Underground: Talent Acquisition 4 SREEEEEEEEEEEEE EZ | J.R. | 1 January 2086 | Garuda Katherine Tyler Silver Lining Caliban Geodesic DAD |
Crashing the white christmas party | J.R. | 24 December 2085 | Ducky Dezeroth A'kyer Stacy Geodesic |
Bury The Needle Bury the Lead | J.R. | 15 December 2085 | Dezeroth A'kyer 141 Trauma Shredder |
Talent Aquisition 3 Lil Boom Boom | J.R. | 19 August 2085 | Garuda Triage Buck Narukami |
Greasing the underground | Bulldogc | 7 August 2085 | Chameleon |
Talent Aquisition 2: Salubrious Krimp aka: Lil' Glowie | J.R. | 20 July 2085 | Pasiphae Thunder Shredder |
Underhaven Grotto Prep 1: Quiet Cleanout | J.R. | 13 July 2085 | Samsara Anansi Buck John Galt |
Or'zet Underground Talent Aquisition 1: Hairy Happy | J.R. | 11 July 2085 | Gigabite Manashoe Shredder Zan Zan |
Name | Date |
Or'Zet Underground Opening Announcement | 12 July 2085 |
Daily Appearances-Hairy Happy(Sasquatch Comedian/Community Leader)- Community Ambassador
Friday Night: -Trixy B(Up and Coming Trapsploitation Rapper, Crime Time Protoge)-
Saturday Night: -Trixy B- -Crime Time(The One and Only)-