Alchemist Decker | |
Shortblurb | |
Discord | dezeroth4511 |
Apprehensive_Tax_619/ | |
Wiki User | Eddren |
Metatype | Human |
Street Cred | 0 |
Notoriety | 0 |
Public Awareness | 0 |
CDP | 4 |
D.O.B. | 2051-06-24 |
Age | 34 |
Folder | Enter the DADverse |
Priority | Metatype - E Attributes - C Magic/Resonance - C Skills - C Resources - A |
#Max IGs/Ascension | 4 |
Character Information
A retired syndicate operative, forced back into the shadows to provide for the orphans he's taken under his wing.
Keep a roof over the head of the kids he's providing for Form a foundation for the barrens kids he wasn't able to reach Make sure nobody has to turn to the life he lived just to make ends-meet Set up as a successful Talismonger
DAD, or Frederick Malburn as he's known to his personal friends, grew up poor. Dirt poor. The kind of poor that leaves only crime as an option. And he was pretty good at it; never got caught in the twenty years he worked his trade. With a head for tech and a soul blazing with admittedly limited magic, he was able to out-think and out-maneuver the security systems of just about anything short of an A-rated neighborhood. Naturally, he was the kind of talent a Syndicate takes interest in, which is how he fell in with the Gianelli Family. As a proper mafia, they treat their members well, and Frederick was well-suited to their tasks; indeed, he was looking to become a lifer.
Unfortunately, a clash with the Komun'go Seoulpa ring left Frederick watching his fellow family members horrifically maimed and slaughtered, chopped apart for their organs and sold off piece-by-piece...If they were lucky, and he himself was captured and tortured for days before the Gianellis were able to get him back. It left young Frederick a changed man, and while he would go on to work with them for some years, the haunting events of that day lead to be too much. Frederick simply couldn't keep up his current lifestyle, and the Gianellis, having little use for a man who couldn't bring himself to perform and not wanting to reward years of loyal service with cold blooded murder, set him loose.
Frederick tried to leave his bloody past behind, help out the community, make things a little easier for kids who he acutely understood had it hard. Unfortunately, Frederick was many things, but a financial wiz was not one of them, and soon enough he was flat-broke with no options but organized crime or the shadows. And if he went back to the family now, there'd be no leaving.
Narrative Significant Qualities
Mentor Spirit(Firebringer)
Code of Honor: Like a Boss
Dependant(Demanding): Lots of friggin' Kids
Faraday Himself: His 'ware was half-pulled-out of his body when the Gianellis got back to DAD. They managed to get it all put back in, but...Well. It hasn't been the same since.
Flashbacks 1(Surgical Procedures, disembodied human parts): DAD left a real house of horrors, and experienced every step of what got it there. He's not the same man, and he'll never forget that day. God help the man who makes him remember.
Run History
Name | GM | Metaplot | Threat | Date of Run |
Or'zett Underground: Talent Acquisition 4 SREEEEEEEEEEEEE EZ | J.R. | Or'zet Underground | Deadly | 1 January 2086 |
No One Has Ever Lived In The Castle | Sleevey | High | 27 December 2085 |
Contact | Connection | Loyalty | Archetype | Profession | Aspects | Chips |
Adowa "Moria" Webster | 4 | 2 | Fixer | DIMR Scientist | Hermetic Mage, Decker, Nerd, Draco Foundation Fixer, Arcane-Archaeologist | Even |
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
Matrix Search Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | Frederic Malburn: Nothing much, some pictures, his social profile, obviously SINless--There's no registration to be found./DAD: Current name: Desmond Tarriel. Not a lot of activity, but from the posts looks like a Matrix specialist. |
3 | Frederic Malburn: Friends and contacts shows some mafia relations. Looks to have done some B&E early in his life, using magic and hacking./DAD: Magic-based matrix specialist. No major arrests, no major jobs. A lot of money going to groceries and new clothes. |
6 | Frederic Malburn: Was involved in a pretty brutal conflict between the Gianellis and the Weeners; he didn't come out of it well. Nowadays he runs an orphanage./DAD: SIN is clearly a fake. Looks like there are some positives for his general build and skillset among some former member of the Gianellis. DING! New message: You lookin' to hire me or what? |
Shadow Community Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | DAD's as fresh as fresh gets...To the shadows, anyway. Guy's clearly a former criminal. Alchemist Decker. |
3 | DAD's not half-bad at what he does. Combines Alchemy with Decking to keep threats off your back. Seems real squeamish about killing, though. |
5 | DAD came from a real bad past, but that's not what pushed him this far. Looks like he's taking care of a bunch of kids. Kind of explains the whole 'no killing' thing he goes on about, though. Guy's trying to be an example. |
Assensing Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | Here's a man with an old soul. A deep scar lingers in his mind, leaving the tingle of pain seared throughout his body. Regardless, his eyes are pointed forward, not inward. His hands swirl with script, and his Essence follows. |
2 | Blood tinges his heart, but not his hands--Though death was a part of his life, it was not his purpose. He rejects it, even as it lingers at the edges of his vision. His thoughts follow ordered lines, and logic burns away his problems. His essence seems to be fighting against strands reaching through his entire being, tied to a single core in his head. |
3 | There's gratitude, but...Fear..For his old friends and companions. He longs to speak with them again, but fears the path they tread on. His thoughts hide away code and programs. |
4 | His eyes remain fixed on a path to salvation; not in a distant God, but in the uplifting of those who struggle. His soul seems built like an aegis. |
5 | This man seems unsure about his current situation; is he doing the right thing? What if this life leads more children to the shadow. There is uncertainty on how he's walking his path. |
Desmond Tarriel: IT professional, with alchemical training.
A bit on the portly side for someone of his stature, DAD is a seemingly unobtrusive human male. He has a bit of black stubble framing his gruff face. Oftentimes he runs a rough hand through his short and unkempt hair.
DAD is relatively well dressed. He wears the Runner special; a Mortimer of London coat over street clothes. When he moves just so, you can catch what looks like a skinsuit underneath the casuals.
Matrix Persona
DAD looks like an old noire detective, complete with the hat and a big magnifying glass.
Character Plot Hooks
Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.
Aspect | Information | Related Run(s) |
Aspect 1 | ||
Aspect 2 | ||
Aspect 3 | ||
Aspect 4 | ||
Aspect 5 |