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Moreau placeholder art.jpeg
Lab rat on a long leash
Wiki UserNiven
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - E
Magic/Resonance - E
Skills - B
Resources - A
#Max IGs/Ascension0

Character Information

Content Warning

This character is a biorigger. This means that they're complicit in animal cruelty. They will give their critters combat stims, augment them, and put them in harm's way during runs. This character isn't doing these things reluctantly but is completely cool with all of this. Be aware of this when picking Moreau for runs. I'm not interested in playing out scenes of animal torture, but the fundamental game mechanics behind this archetype involve cybering up critters and putting them in dangerous situations.


A jarhead with an affinity for biodrones, Moreau has been released from the MCT's mad science laboratories to wreak havoc on the shadows of Seattle.


  • Test the limits of his form
  • Experiment with using new and exciting creatures as biodrones
  • Demonstrate the viability of bioborgs to MCT
  • Suborn the laboratory techs to his will
  • Take over the world


Moreau has been trained to interface with biodrone technology ever since his first decanting. He was commanded to push himself and his bodies to their limits, with the ultimate goal of stress-testing the combination of cyborg and biodrone. The laboratory’s interest was the long-term viability of merging the two technologies. Moreau just wanted to make his “parents” happy.

Gengineered alligators were chosen as Moreau’s test chassis. Cheap, deadly, and able to traverse both land and water, they were a perfect showcase of where biodrones (in theory) had an edge over real drones. Unfortunately, live fire trials contradicted this theory. He just couldn’t outmatch a conventional rigger in practice. Having tried everything, the scientists tasked Moreau with finding a way to even the odds.

The breakthrough came on a durability test, where Moreau inside his biodrone was set loose in the toxic Lake Union to demonstrate his resistance to the elements. There, he found the gator tubes: hidden passages for the gators liberated by Shadowhaven’s runners. Through the tubes, Moreau entered the lair of Gator. While clearly not a normal alligator, his form was close enough for the dwellers of gatorworld to accept him as one of their own. There, he learned of the Shadowhaven, a place where the city’s best combatants could hone their skills. Moreau loved the idea--it was a perfect way to improve his skills and make his family proud.

The scientists at the lab were considerably less enthused, but the project manager, Amadou Zheng, saw the value in having a haven runner under his thumb. He greenlit the idea over the objections of the lab techs. Moreau would be a shadowrunner, for better or for worse.

Narrative Significant Qualities


  • Sensei (unarmed combat): Gator has taken Moreau under his wing, and is trying to turn him into a tool to exact Gator's revenge on Horizon. Because Gator himself was mentored by a martial artist, Moreau in turn is picking up quite a bit
  • Animal Empathy: Despite the wanton cruelty involved in biodrone science, Moreau can still interact with animals as if he was one of their own.


  • Corp SINner (MCT): Ultimately, Moreau is Mitsuhama's property. They created him, and they can destroy him.
  • Phobia (heights): Too much time viewing the world through the eyes of an amphibious organism has left Moreau uncomfortable far above ground.
  • Superhuman Psychosis: Moreau isn't even sure he is a metahuman. That attitude is reflected in his behavior.

Run History

NameGMMetaplotThreatDate of Run
ALIENS?!J.R.Or'zet UndergroundDeadly19 January 2086



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Amadou Zheng 5 2 Fixer MCT's Magical Middle Manager All for the Bottom Line, The Boss is the Boss, Corpo Connections, Wannabe Crime Lord, Fell Through the Cracks, Can't Spell "Smuggler" Without "Smug", Lawyer Up, Livin' the Dream, Working Relationships, Big Ego, Small Man Even
Gator 4 1 Custom(A, N, K, G) Biggest, Baddest Alligator this side of the Equator See you later, Alligator, Learned From The Best, See You, Swamp Cowboy, “Is that a gator with a sniper rifle?”, “Is it wiring an explosive??”, “Why won’t it die?”, “Did it bring friends?”, “Holy Dre-”, "It's like there's an army of them!", "They're in the lake! Get away from the shore!" Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Old fiction novels
3 Renewed contemporary interest in said old fiction novels
6 Some largely redacted documents about a "Project Moreau" that had been part of a MCT data leak. It appears to involve cyborg integration with biodrones.

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result
1 He hasn't made enough of a splash yet to be this commonly known
3 This shadowrunner is straight up an alligator.
5 Okay, they're not technically an alligator, they just puppet an alligator around during runs. They're a jarhead.

Assensing Table

Threshold Result
1 N/A


Alfred Gatorre, UCAS (R5)


Moreau is a cyborg, so he looks like a brain in a jar. When situations force him to pretend to be a normal person, he uses a Criado Juan anthrodrone modified to resemble a middle-aged dwarf man with short black hair and a clean-shaven, calm face. When jumped into his gator Eugene he looks like a really big gator.


Dresses his anthrodrone in slightly rumpled street casual, paying little attention to his appearance. His biodrone wears an alligator-sized kevlar bodysuit with a CCOB on its back, where Moreau often stashes his CCU.

Matrix Persona

Moreau's matrix persona takes the form of an alligator that hovers vertically, tail pointed down and nose pointed up, with its back (and thus its eyes, which are on top of its head) facing whoever he's addressing.

Character Plot Hooks

Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.

Aspect Information Related Run(s)
Descartes-approved Moreau has suspicions that his grey matter isn't actually of metahuman origin, but instead belongs to a primate or cetacean. The lab techs claim that he's metahuman but he doesn't necessarily trust them in this regard, but with no access to his own brain to take a sample he's unable to conclusively prove it for himself. He'd need someone qualified who he can trust not to lie to him to do the proper testing.
Gilded cage Despite the freedoms given to him by MCT, Moreau still feels their hold on him. With his entry to Shadowhaven he's had a taste of freedom, so he's interested in loosening the megacorp's control over him.
Gator's Revenge Moreau has gotten entangled in Gator's plans for revenge against Horizon. This is bound to go poorly for everyone involved.
Aspect 4
Aspect 5

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments