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Player | TidanShock |
Metatype | Elf |
Street Cred | 3 |
Notoriety | 0 |
Public Awareness | 0 |
Titles and Awards | 0 |
CDP | 4 |
D.O.B. | 2063-09-29 |
Age | 22 |
Folder | [1] |
Priority | DBDCB |
Number of Runs: | 9 |
Runs since Rent: | 1 |
#Max IGs/Ascension | 4 |
Initiation Grade | 1 |
Character Information
A 1 in million miracle, but was still not enough.
- Perfect her abilities as a huntress and kill a dragon.
"Nueve" across nearly every aspect of her life was deemed a failure despite being a genetic miracle. After the siege of Denver conducted by Ghostwalker, a scientist named Alejandro Iglesias working for Aztechnology wanted revenge for the research destroyed during the Great Dragon's takeover. One of Ghostwalker's allies, a dragon named Flametreader was tasked with the destruction of certain Aztechnology assets during the siege of the city. Alejandro's laboratory being one of them. With the on-site forces being no match for the dragon, Alejandro was forced to move towards another Aztechnology site. Where he then began the "Metadragones" project. For his genius mind, Alejandro was not the most creative sort when it came to naming.
Alejandro sought revenge against Flametreader and had an unorthodox way to achieve this. He had heard tales of Prototype Transhumans and what they could do. With research telling of certain rare occurrences where they could awaken despite what was assumed about the astral at the time. Said research primarily coming out after the effects of Hailey's Comet. Alejandro with his countless hours of research wanted perfection, pursuing the genetics of magically inclined families and certain rituals in the hope to increase the chances of awakening. Possibly even causing a SURGE variation. Hoping for perfection, the ultimate killer. A mystical adept with a chance of SURGE-ing, enhanced with innate augmentations and compatibility for further augments. To make the perfect being that can kill a dragon.
After a year and a half's worth of research the first batch only resulted in one moderate success. The ninth subject who turned into a physical adept. But she was not enough, she was not a Mystical Adept nor a SURGE. So close yet still imperfect which drove Alejandro mad. Said ninth subject was uncreatively given the name of "Nueve" and was trained along her siblings to become a lethal hunter. To become lethal enough to kill dragons and having the relevant skills/training drilled into them from a young age. Constant simulations and physical exercises to ready them for this task. However for reasons even she can't explain, Nueve wanted to form a connection with the rest of the batch. Starting to call them her brothers and sisters. Though perhaps one or two of them returned the gesture in small ways, the rest did not. Herself being seen as a Black Sheep by them and a disappointment by Alejandro.
However Alejandro was still not satisfied with them despite how unique they were. The thought of the perfect Prototype Transhuman was etched into his mind. And in this feeling he decided to make a second batch of ten. Hoping to succeed where the first ten failed. During this process Huntress would often sneak in to look at them develop, in her own mind hoping to be a good big sister for them when they emerged and form the sibling bond she always wanted to have. Unfortunately for Huntress and Alejandro Aztechnology found out about the... ludicrous and idiotic spending of their budget. Deciding to pull the plug on the second batch as they were in development. Nueve not known to have been in the room had to watch in horror, helpless as her perceived younger siblings still growing in their vats ceased to live.
Alejandro promptly went on the run, not just fired but now a wanted fugitive by Aztechnology. Thankfully he saw the writing on the walls before then had ensured the loyalty of an old friend. A former Aztechnology HTR specialist named Javier who also sought revenge against Flametreader as he was in charge of the defense for Alejandro's old laboratory. Despite the high alert imposed Javier managed to smuggle Nueve out of the laboratory to continue her training in the SSC where he then and still lives. Training her just as "effectively" as Alejandro but now far more personal given her training was no longer confined to simulations and test chambers. Javier also finding practitioners of the Sioux tradition to help guide her awakening given her genetics were primarily Sioux in origin. Of course that is not exactly how it works but regardless she awakened so the result was achieved. The training proved intense, resulting in even magical scars only the highest of clinics could heal, one of said scars stretching across her face and resulting in the loss of sight in her left eye. But alas she still persisted amidst the cold and harshest of the wilderness that the SSC could muster.
Yet in spite of it all, where many would grow cold and lifeless. Having the hope and good will beaten out of them years ago. Nueve still wanted the familial bond she desired all those years ago. Feeling like a constant disappointment to anyone close to her and wanting to prove she was worthy of it. After years of trying she eventually gave up on trying to reach Javier. Most conversations with him resulting in nothing but more practice and drills. She knew her goal, to kill Flametreader and prove herself worthy of being more than a weapon and hunter, to be worthy of the love she sought from those around her. But Nueve wanted to do so on her own terms, choosing to sneak out in the midst of the day when Javier would least expect it. Using the training given to her in order to disappear and start a new life amidst the streets of Seattle.
Upon arriving Nueve heard that being a runner would be a good way to train and use her skills to earn a decent wage. While doing so she quickly gained a solid reputation of being an expert tracker and assassin. A natural at it while being incredibly perceptive and professional, even if she was a bit... unkept and socially aloof. Regardless, the good parts of said reputation is likely she was recommended to the Shadow Haven organization. Where she now sits among their members. One more organization would show interest however, a PMC named Horned Bear. With little back and forth she eagerly accepted and is now being trained by them in exchange for protection from her past and for extensive training for her to prove herself. Her training and mentorship giving her a moral compass to follow and people around her to train alongside. A place where she hopes to eventually be ready to achieve her goal. To kill a dragon, and to earn the family she has always wanted.
Narrative Significant Qualities
- Prototype Transhuman
- Code of Honor: Soldier's Code
- Prejudiced (Specific, Biased): Dracoforms
- Wanted: Aztechnology
Run History
Name | GM | Metaplot | Threat | Date of Run |
Shopping Spree | Xaytan | Medium | 23 March 2086 | |
Sakkijarven Polkka | Asmodeus | High | 15 March 2086 | |
Circler | Asmodeus | Medium(Asmo) | 8 March 2086 | |
A pirates Cup | Speckgespenst | Environmentalism Was Just a Phase | Medium | 7 March 2086 |
Abstract Object Theory | John | Medium | 5 March 2086 | |
Smoking Gun | Robinton | Medium | 1 March 2086 | |
Stealing Security Secrets | Sarcarian | High | 27 February 2086 | |
PS 67:18 | Asmodeus | Medium | 31 January 2086 | |
ALIENS?! | J.R. | Or'zet Underground | Deadly | 19 January 2086 |
Contact | Connection | Loyalty | Archetype | Profession | Aspects | Chips |
Annar le Mael | 6 | 1 | Service | Doctor | Modus Operadi, Talismonger, Court Healers, Alchemy, Maintained Rituals, House Calls, Medical Experimentation | Even |
Ashen Hand | 5 | 2 | Fixer (A,G,N,K) | First Hand Knowledge, Military Grade, Status Report, I work with professionals, act like one., Up your Arsenal, Urban Warfare, Special Forces, Ware and warfare, Tactical and Protective, Cold Mind, Cold Heart | Even | |
Henry Lamplighter | 3 | 1 | Service | Logistics Facilitator | Logistics, Metasapients, AI, Smuggler | Even |
Jane Dior | 5 | 1 | Custom(G,K,A,N) | Redmond Strike Team Leader | Evidence Lock-Up Inventory, Surplus Vendor, Anonymous Contraband Contributions, Patrol Permits, Professional Procedures, Fibbin' Forgeries | Even |
Contact | Position | Connection | Faction Rep | Archetype | Health | Location |
Horned Bear | Private | 1 | 11 | PMC | Maintaining |
Salish-Shidhe Council/Seattle |
Faction | Reputation |
Aztechnology | -2 |
Erika | 1 |
N-51 | 2 |
Skraacha | 1 |
Streets of Redmond | 2 |
The Grey | 1 |
Underhaven Grotto Hotel | 1 |
Wild Reputation | 1 |
Asura "She understands, she truly... understands."
In Character Information
Symbols and Signatures
Matrix Search Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
3 | |
6 |
Shadow Community Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
3 | |
5 |
Assensing Table
Threshold | Result |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | |
4 | |
5 |
(All licenses have a matching rating unless noted otherwise)
SIN | Issuer | Rating | Licenses |
Amelia Redmane | UCAS | R4 | Adept, Bodyguard, Concealed Carry, Firearms, Restricted Augmentations |
A moderately tall woman standing roughly 6'1" or 187 cm tall. Her skin a copper/bronze hue, a mixture of Sioux and Latino descent. Her dark brown hair meanwhile extends towards the base of her neck and appears greasy in appearance. A large claw like scar covers her face with her left eye covered by a patch. Her right eye however still stands out amidst her appearance, natural in appearance but yellow in color.
When in combat Huntress wears a camo patterned tactical set of FBA. Modeled heavily after the members of Horned Bear. Almost sci-fi looking, covering every part of the body it possibly can but without restricting mobility and allowing room to store gear and ammunition.
When in public, Huntress wears a casual outfit (for her standards.) A plain-ish button up t-shirt with some intricate pattern atop it and a camo pattern zip up hoodie overtop that. She also wears jeans that have a dark blue hue being held in place with a nicely made leather belt. Her shoes a nice set of outdoorsman boots.
Matrix Persona
A very simple ancient hunter. Almost as if taken out of a Greek-inspired painting.
Character Plot Hooks
Here are characteristics of the character that GMs may take advantage of to add complications to runs, or to otherwise use when in use. If you want to use them in unrelated to runs, please ask first.
Aspect | Information | Related Run(s) |
To become worthy | Huntress hopes to prove herself and officially join the ranks of Horned Bear's Corporals or higher by completing the Crubible of Death when she is ready. Devoting all she can to the organization and hoping it will be enough one day... one day. | |
To escape responsibility | Now a wanted fugitive by Aztechnology, no one knows the whereabouts of one Alejandro Iglesias. Though sometimes Nueve does wonder where her "father" has disappeared to, nor how she'd react if they met again. | |
To find them once again | Being separated from those she viewed as her siblings, Huntress hopes to figure out the fate of her "batch" and show them a better way. The memories of what happened to the second giving her fears of the worst. | |
To kill a dragon | Designed and trained to kill a dragon named Flametreader, Huntress hopes to find out information on the powerful monster and hopefully take down one of Ghostwalker's elites. | |
To never be found | Having run away from her former HTR mentor, Huntress hopes to never return. Though fate and Javier may have different plans. | |
To never return | Despite her being made under the radar and being judged a waste of nuyen, Aztechnology still would like some return out of it. An Adept PTT is INCREDIBLY rare after all, and she is "rightfully" theirs. |