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Edward York
Hates gangers, and wants to make a difference.
Player TofuBean Reddit: Beandad21
Metatype (Human)
Street Cred 0
Notoriety 1
Public Awareness 0
Titles and Awards 0
D.O.B. April 21, 2056
Folder [1]
Priority Metatype - E

Attributes - B Magic/Resonance - E Skills - B Resources - A


Character Information


As a teenager he attempted to fight off some gangers that were trying to mug his classmate, and the kid got away. More gangers showed up and he made a break for it. Gaining a substantial lead on them he decided to give them the only finger that mattered, prompting them to shoot at the young man. They managed to blow off his middle finger on his left hand. After that he locked himself away in his room and built his ability on the matrix. Completing a hack of minor Renraku servers before he finished high school. Developing a minor obsession with early twentieth century comic books, he decided he would become a hero like in the old books. After looking on the matrix for some places that are related to gang activity he went in with some batons and got his ass kicked. After that expierience he decided that he would play to his strengths and aid people that could do the real fighting. So he starting brokering information to Runners, and eventually built a full blown deck, and started going on runs.


Wants to rid the streets of gangers, or at least disrupt their activity.


Hacking from such a young age he honed his skills as one may with a blade. Has bought himself some snazzy 'wares in order to be the best he could possibly be.

Narrative Significant Qualities

Uncouth: He will always just speak analytically not caring for the way people feel about it, often choking on his words. Compulsion: Needs everything to be even, for every zero there is a one. Keeps his house as clean as possible.

Run History







In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Shadow Community Table




Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments