
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 13:55, 10 January 2020 by Purkinje (talk | contribs)
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Laesa Fixer {Fixer}
Contact Owner[1]
Public Contact?Yes
LocationTarislar, Puyallup
Preferred Payment MethodPunts or expensive wine.
Hobbies/ViceWomen, Wine, Pixie Dust
Personal LifeSingle
AspectsLaesa Syndicate
Crime Syndicates
Puyallup Native
Sprawl Gangs


Briar was born soon after the Nights of Rage, one of the first generation to be born beneath the exiles' spire. As with most of those people born in one of Seattle's barrens he quickly turned to crime. Rather than become a thrill ganger or paramilitary force, he wound up involved in the Daisy Eaters and other cage rattlers that eventually coalesced into Laesa, alongside minor criminal organizations like the. Due to his knowledge of the elven underground he started collecting a stable of runners, largely elven, some in the Laesa, some tangentially connected


He is what one would expect of the Laesa, well dressed elves somewhere between mainstream elven culture and punk, pompous from the perspective of outsiders, but too much of a poser to be accepted into either Tir. And yet he dreams of accumulating enough wealth and power to return to where he never belonged. He prefers to work with elves, but he's not picky where there's money to be made and connections to be exploited later down the line.


Aspect Description
Laesa Syndicate A member of the Laesa Syndicate, well connected with its allies and resources such as the Ancients and Sinsearach tribe.
Smuggling Knows about smuggling routes and has connections to smugglers in the region.
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Example Positive Aspect This is an example positive aspect. You can write the fluff in here. Duplicate this section as many times as needed for your contact.
Example Positive Aspect This is an example positive aspect. You can write the fluff in here. Duplicate this section as many times as needed for your contact.
Example Positive Aspect This is an example positive aspect. You can write the fluff in here. Duplicate this section as many times as needed for your contact.

Dice Pools

Knowledge Checks 5 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 3 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 9 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 13 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


Player Characters with this Contact

Rosalia 322Even

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