Kazu Kishi

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Revision as of 20:56, 13 February 2020 by Teksura (talk | contribs)
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Kazu Kishi
Contact Owner[1]
Public Contact?No
Preferred Payment MethodNuyen
Personal LifeTaken
AspectsCurrent Events
Undervalued Employee


Kazu Kishi is a second generation immigrant, and a third generation oni. Showing talent as a writer from an early age, Kazu pursued journalism as a career aggressively, just barely managing to put herself through a second rate community college. Currently, she writes for one of Horizon's many fashion magazines. A waste of her talents to be sure, but she views her current job as a stepping stone on the path to her true career goals: investigative journalism.

Special Information

Kazu met Ranger two years ago at Ranger's business, Club Destiny. It wasn't long until she discovered that the club owner was secretly moonlighting as one of Seattle's premier shadowrunners, and found herself drawn to the thrill and intrigue of dating one of the city's most successful career criminals.

Key Dice Pools

Stat Block

B A R S C I L W Ess Edge
3 4 3 2 6 6 5 3 5 1
Condition Monitor 10/10
Limits Physical 4, Mental 6, Social 7
Initiative 8 + 1d6
Skills Con (Fast Talk) 10 (12), Disguise 8, Etiquette 10, Impersonation 10, Negotiation 10, Perception 8, Pistols (Semi-Automatics) 7 (9)
Knowledge Skills Area Knowledge Seattle 10, Bars & Clubs 10, Corporate Knowledge: Horizon 9, English (N), Fashion 12, Japanese 10, News 10, Police Procedures: Street 10, Popular Culture 10,
Gear Berwick Dress, Datajack, MCT-500, Mnemonic Enhancers 2, Smartlink
Weapons Savalette Guardian (Personalized Grip, Concealed Quick Draw Holster, Gas Vent 3)
Vehicles Suzuki Mirage


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