Gotta Get the Cash

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Gotta Get the Cash
LocationEdmonton, Athabaskan Council
Factions Involved
Commanders and leaders
1AM's runner team


A team of runners are hired to abduct a decker called 1AM. The target is tracked down through the Matrix, and the team hops on a flight to Edmonton to douse 1AM's team with non-lethal ammo.


An unknown decker/technomancer has a deep grudge against another decker, 1AM. They want 1AM brought to them alive. 1AM is preparing for a run into an ex-Canadian naval training base, HMCS Tecumseh.

The Meet

The Plan

Purkinje accesses the data haven using the credentials provided by the Johnson. She checks the logs, learning that 1AM was looking into the HCMS Tecumseh training base, and aquires their comcode. She then uses the comcode to deterime 1AM's current location, in Edmonton, Athabaskan Council. The Johnson is called, and they arrang for transport via bush plane. The team packs their respective gear and elects to bring Sinister's Americar. The plane lands on the outskirts of the Redmond Barrens, and the team boards for the 3-hour flight.

The Run

The bush plane lands on a lake and the team disembarks. On the drive to the target's location, recon and take-down options are discussed. Once outside the hotel where the target is staying, Howler deploys an ocular drone and gets visuals of 1AM, who is accompanied by a cybered-up Nartaki and Hispanic human woman. Meanwhile, Purkinje analyzes them in the Matrix, and swaps the fire/eject clip input on all of their firearms. The team then begins to discuss how to best stealthily approach the target's hotel room. Magic stealth is suggested, as well as aquiring a room and checking in normally. However, before these schemes can be enacted, the targets go on the move and exit the hotel. Invisibility is cast by Howler and the team moves into firing positions. Two of the targets are shot down before they can act, but the Nartaki absorbs enough stick-shock and gel rounds to groan in surpise when their grenade launcher ejects its clip. The team closes in, continuing to unload rounds into the Nartaki, who eventually goes down without further incident. The teams Awakened then remark on how they could have just used Stunbolt. The three targets are hastily thrown in the trunk, as a scene begins to develop around the shooting. The secondary targets are left unconscious in a VR-bar, while the primary target, 1AM, is brought back on the plane. The team attempts to remove 1AM's cyberdeck, only to discover it is cyberimplanted. During the flight back, 1AM regains consciousness and is questioned. It is revealed they have a history with the Johnson, and don't anticipate losing their life after being handed over. Purkinje offers, then convinces, 1AM to store their deck with her for safe-keeping until they are released.


1AM is handed over to the I-doll, which then pays the team and slings 1AM over its shoulder. The run concludes without incident.


  • ¥15,000
  • 5 karma
  • 2 CDP

Player After Action Reports (AARs)


Clean and simple. Our techo tracked and defanged the targets without them ever realising. Drek, I was mostly just a taxi driver this run. Did get to see a little of the Athabaskan Council, I suppose. Bit of a change from the Sprawl.