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Berlin Metroplex
  • Human: 64%
  • Elf: 8%
  • Dwarf: 5%
  • Ork: 15%
  • Troll: 6%
  • Other: 2%
Density3.716 per people/km² (267.276 per people/km² District Berlin-Mitte)
Income (per capita)34.000¥/€
Corporate-Affiliated Population16%
Religious Affiliation
  • Without Confession 55%
  • Muslim 23%
  • Christian 11%
  • New Paganist 7%
  • Others 4%
  • None: ~8%
  • Less than 12 years: ~47%
  • High School or Equivalent: ~19%
  • College Equivalent: ~17%
  • Advanced Degrees and Certificates: ~9%

Berlin is a metroplex in the north eastern area of the AGS (Allied German States) and is a Free-City-State that doesn't belong to the to the AGS itself, although it has strong ties. It was once the capital Germany, but now is selfgoverned State under the Berlin Council. Large parts of the City where reigned under Anarchy for over a decade. Even now there are semi regular fight between police forces and people of the anrachist districts.


First years of the new Millennium

After the reunion Berlin was the Capitol of Germany from 1990 to 2023, til the Government and Parliment moved to Hannover to escape the ever growing rampaging riots and daily violent demonstrations. In the Eurowars 2031 tank divisions from the russian invaders, contrary to expectations didn't go against Berlin, but went around the City in the Northand made Brandenburg a battlefield and Berlin remained unscathed. In 2033 islamistic Fanatics decleared the great Dschihad in Berlin as well an new unrests and riots breack out. Kreuzberg gets declared an Emirat, which didn't last long.

The Anarchist Berlin

In the Year 2039 the Night of Rage Meta-Human friendly resistences, anarchist and leftwing groups started City wide riots and destroyed the Berlin section of the Humanis Policlub, which needed years to find anad establish a new location for their anti-metahuman organisation in Berlin. As a result the riots kept going and together with Students of the free University Berlin who revolt against - in their opinion- Unfair Exam Admission Regulations it ended up in a small civil war. In the end a coalition of Neo-Anarchist, Anarchist-Syndicates and Trotzkists gained control over Berlin and declared it " The Greatest Experiment in the Anarchist history". The so called "Last Law" was declared on 7th March 2039, and the Berlin Council was now nothing more then a discusion platform without any legislative or executive powers, and was the only "polotical" Organ which remained in the anarchist Berlin. Paying taxes was completly voluntary, the police got dispersed and all public facilities were privatised. Since the "Last Law" expressly prohibited to enact laws, everybody who felt his rights violated or felt was victim to a crime had to stand in for themselfor hire vigilantes. To be able to provide these services more effectively the jobless policemen formed vigilante troups (Selbstjustiz Trupps SJTs) or became professional bodyguards. Everybody was . Um diese Dienstleistungen effektiver erbringen zu können, bildeten die arbeitslosen Polizisten Selbstjustiz Trupps (SJTs) oder wurden professionelle Leibwächter zum Anheuern. Für seine Sicherheit war jeder mit seinen jeweiligen Chummern und Verbündeten ausschließlich selbst verantwortlich, und niemand kümmerte sich darum, Dinge wie Jugendschutz, allgemeine Schulpflicht oder Gleichbehandlungsgrundsätze durchzusetzen. Für das Machtgefüge innerhalb der Anarchie wurde der Begriff des "Status F" (Status Fluxus, abgeleitet von fließend, ständig in Bewegung) geprägt, da speziell den Anarchisten daran gelegen war, daß sich sämtliche wechselseitigen Beziehungen in permanenter Veränderung befanden, so daß keine neuen Machtstrukturen im Sinne eines Status Quo zementiert werden konnten. Jeder, der den Eindruck erweckte, soetwas wie eine stabile Machtbasis aufzubauen, galt automatisch als "Bedrohung des Status Fluxus" (kurz: BFS) und hatte alle anderen Parteien gegen sich, was niemand lange überlebte. Die sich ständig ändernden wechselseitigen Beziehungen von Policlubs, Syndikaten, Sekten, Kulte, Gangs und Konzernen funktionierten so auf eine chaotische Weise, wobei die Dienste der Informanten und Vermittler unerlässlich für jeden waren, der innerhalb des Status F irgend etwas erreichen wollte.

Da allerdings die "Absolute Freiheit" der Anarchie aber dem Einzelnen auch eine erhebliche soziale und Eigenverantwortung abverlangte, und nicht wenige das Fehlen von feststehenden Gesetzen mit "alles ist erlaubt" verwechselten, war das anarchistische Paradies Berlin in der Praxis so paradisisch nicht.



Interest Groups


Service Provider
GridGuide Ætherlink, MSI (Vision Berlin)
Traffic Management ALI (Renraku)
Puplic Transport BERVAG-Transportservices (BVB, ESUS)
Matrix Services Network Berlin (BERVAG)
Power Ruhr-Nuklear (Saeder Krupp)
Police Normdistrict Main Police Department Berlin (HPDB, Sternenschutz)
Police Alternativedistrict registered alternative policeservice (APDB, Kiezwehr)
Prisons Sternenschutz
Water/Canalisation Berlin Waterworks (Proteus)
Sanitation Berlin City Cleaning (BSR, Shiawase)

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