Horrific Casualties in Snoomish warehouse explosion

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Officials are still at the scene, where yesterday a violent explosion rocked the quiet Snoomish neighborhood. A warehouse containing processed soy, and soy bi-products ##- And racist Humanis scum! Don't forget those! -## went up in flames sometime during sundown yesterday, on the 25th of August, 2081. By Morning the Fires have ben put out, and emergency workers can finally start investigating, what could have caused the horrific explosion, that cost the lives of almost a dozen workers. ##- Not workers, Humanis members, armed to the teeth. Have a source that can confirm it, but will get to that later -##. While the cause of the tragedy ##-No its not a tragedy, Racist Humanis getting geeked is a pleasant change of the status quo if ya ask me -## is still under examination, some witnesses claim, that a violent group, consisting mostly of Orks, and hobgoblins have ben spotted driving away from the premises. ##- No, there was no Ork hunting party. But rather a group of shadowrunners -## Knight Errand promised to get to the bottom of this ##- Yeah right, since they are chummy with Humanis. Amirite? -## and will provide a statement, when all the evidence are gathered. This has ben Marie Sanches, from Horizon News ##- And me! Rec, from Annotated! -##

All right freezframe! Lot to unpack here, lets pick it apart one by one yeah? So all those witnesses who saw the Orc war-party? If there really are witnesses, I can see the credsticks in their pockets that was used to buy them from here. Got a contact in the Ork Underground who showed me a footage, telling a whole different story. No surprise there yeah? So anyway. The warehouse was a humains policlub cell, hoarding, and redistributing equipment. The footage shows them even holding an ork, and a troll as captive, in some makeshift fighting pit. Apparently they have stolen some gear from someone, and said person wanted to send a message loud and clear, and get his/her stuff back. Judging by the blast radius I'm guessing if the message was not clear, it was sure as hell loud! Also I've got it on good authority, that the workers, currently picking through the wreckage found evidence of the humanis packing some serious heat. Kinda gives the rumors about Knight Errand supplying them secretly, some credibility right? Okay thats all I could dig up on the subject, keep it safe everyone! Rec is signing out, and thanks for all those who supported Annotated!