Snake! Kernel! Panic!

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Revision as of 21:18, 21 May 2021 by Makiiat0 (talk | contribs)
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Snake! Kernel! Panic!
LocationResonance Realms
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Cecelia Cross
Cross Applied Technologies
Gianelli Family
Vip3r Bl4ckM4mb4
Casualties and losses
Bl4ckM4mb4, Three Registered Sprites
Vip3r's fourth submersion.


Cecelia Cross sends Vip3r after a file in the Resonance Realms, but she isn't the only interested party.

The Meet

Cecelia calls Vip3r to E-Vue with the offer of a job. She arrives to a strange scene: there's no line outside the club for once, and it appears to be closed. Confused, she calls Cecelia to ask what's going on, and she assures Vip3r that it's okay to come in; she's doing some maintenance on the host. Upon entering, she finds Cecelia supervising a number of other technomancers who are working in AR with the assistance of various sprites, and when she stands next to her to watch them, she informs Vip3r that these are some of the recently-awakened Otaku who have been under Cross's care.

The Plan

The Run



Brilliant Heuristics - 5 RVP
Unique Avatar - 5 RVP
+1 Chip on Cecelia Cross
Submersion Discount!
6 Karma

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)