Cracking the Iron Shell

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Cracking the Iron Shell
Part of Against all odds - The OtherCon story
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Evo Caravan
Casualties and losses
Evo Caravan


Evo transported kidnapped changelings across the city, only to be stopped by the runner's intervention.


Evo has long been interested in studying changelings, both ethically and very very unethically. To acquire test subjects, they have been abducting changelings, forcing them to serve as lab rats. OtherCon, a voice standing for those in need, has been opposing them, fighting tooth and nail against the oppression of EVO. Recently, Tanya received word that the Mega was going to move captured changelings to a more secure facility in the night. Knowing that this was her shot to free these people, she quickly contracted a team of runners to assault the caravan.

The Meet

The runners met Tanya near the OtherCon headquarters, where she offered them food, and excitedly briefed them on the mission. While easily distracted and light on details, she did convey the general needs of the job, and pointed the runners to where the EVO holding facility was. The company was moving the captured people from a temporary facility near the Redmond-Bellevue border, to a fortified and secure lab in the downtown area. While not technically required to hit the caravan in transit, it would likely be an easier task than assaulting either of the EVO strongholds. After a very easy negotiation for 10k nuyen, the runners went off to plan, Acorn cakes in hand.

The Plan

First the team got in touch with many of their contacts. Tanya's information was extremely vague, and not nearly enough to plan an operation off of. After consulting several sources, a clearer picture of the situation developed. Gang sources in the area had seen three heavily armored vehicles entering the EVO holding facility, weapons on top. Trusting the word of conspiracy theorist Leah Perry, the team found the likely route of the caravan. A quick consultation with a Loa of Guidance by Glamor gave a rather ominous warning about a flaming eagle. Interpreting that as a possible helicopter threat, the team began to try to plan their way around their information, seeking to make the assault go off as smooth as possible.

Several key goals were determined to make the op go well. First, they needed a safehouse. Evo would likely want their captives back, and have considerable resources available to look. No one wants to be caught out in a manhunt. Second, a way was needed to get the caravan off the highway. The open road gives little places to hide, and it's hard to stop the vehicles in a space like that. Finally, they needed a way to get the vehicles to stop, without hurting the prisoners inside.

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)