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(Short Blurb)
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Metatype(Metatype Here)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.Character's Date of Birth
Folder[Drive URL Link]
PriorityMetatype - X
Attributes - X
Magic/Resonance - X
Skills - X
Resources - X

Character Information


Stealthy Decker that loves to break into places, pysicly and matrix. He tends to only do Jobs that don´t need mass amounts of force, always preferrs the peacful solution if possible. Can also talk his way out of most situations and can patchup any fellow Runners if need be.


Wants to find the source of the intriuge that changed his life


Narrative Significant Qualities


Scout is Codeslinger that seams to have an amazing Quick Config speed on his Deck and just the Perfect Time


He has a big tatoo with a Colibri spreading his wings to scout out for pray. His marks are a Colibri that has launched itself into what ever it is marking, slowly engulfing it the more marks it gets. Sometimes if he wants to leave a mesage he will leave a colibri at the scene. It Could well be that some from NeoNet can recocnize him as he was some time ago an Affiliate of them (SIN)

Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.


Old Work relations with NeoNet


Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Lisa Miller 3 4 Fixer Fixer Automatic Firearms, Cyberdecks, Fake SIN´s + Licences, Jobs Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 No information
3 Blog Post from Damian Mitchel pops up
6 Clear Link with Damian Mitchel

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result


  • SIN Ivan O´Conner: This is the SIN of Ivan from Bosten, he used to be an affiliate of NeoNet.

This is not common knowledge but some like Lisa Miller know this.

  • Fake SIN 4 Damian Mitchel

Lives in Seattle and is a Blogger for the Downtown Herold Blog, he has published more that 500 blog posts about downtown seattle.


Tall and Slim Elf in his early 20´s faintly showing the muscles of his muscles replacement. When you look into his eys you can see why so many woman fall for him, deap blue like the atlantic together with a hard cheackbone with a friendly smile that is smoothing to the eys. His Cest is covered by a big Colibri that is sitting on a Tree branch.


Most of the time he goes out with a Armor Jacket, depending a bit on the location he is going to. When he goes out to Party he usally dresses up, flexing his urge to transform himself into someone else.

Matrix Persona

A rather large Colibri that sends out small Colibri´s to place marks.

Media Mentions

On the Blog post of the Downtown Herold a Damian Mitchel with a low rez picture of him can be found.

ShadowGrid Profile Comments