Revenge on Mr. Patel

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Revenge on Mr. Patel
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp
Hell Hound
Mathew Patel
Wasp Insect Spirits


Ez-Azael wanted to take revenge on Mathew Patel for firing him unceremoniously from his job. Turns out Ez' whole team had been inhabited by Wasp spirits after he left, and Mathew wanted to save who he could (having found out about this a bit ahead of time).


Ez-Azael used to work for Ares as security before being fired by Mathew Patel for seemingly no reason. At-will working conditions and all that. This forced Ez into a life of crime as a Shadowrunner, and he wasn't exactly happy with that fact.

Unbeknownst to Ez-Azeal though, Mr. Patel was trying to save his life.

The Meet

Ez-Azael called Eidolon and Hell Hound to The Daze to meet, where they were let into the back room to plan. While getting drunk they decided to make Mathew Patel pay for firing Ez.

The Plan

Mathew lived in Bellevue last Ez checked, with his daughter and wife, in a McMansion type house. They would go there and spy on him to get information, then probably shoot him before the cops showed up. Hell Hound, being a dog shifter, could sneak in and would just be a stray dog.

The Run

So Hell Hound entered the compound in his dog form, and was spotted by Patel's daughter. At which point he loses communications with the team as she takes his trodes off "since cute puppies don't need these". She brings him into the house and keeps trying to play with him, while he uses the opportunity to explore the inside. He finds an office that belonged to Mr. Patel, though it's been unused for the past couple of months. He overhears from his wife that they'd gotten a divorce (a fact she's still upset about). Eventually he manages to get the trodes back and contact the team.

Ez-Azael walks up to the door and rings the bell, and tells the ex-wife and daughter that Hell Hound is actually his dog. Mr. Patel's ex-wife sees how happy her daughter is with the 'cute puppy' however, and immediately offers Ez 18k nuyen for the dog. Ez is so stunned he just says yes. She also asks him how work has been going, unaware that he'd been fired. Ez tells her he was just looking for Mathew for some information (leaving out what the information was), and is informed that they've gotten divorced but he has an apartment nearer to the Redmond border. He thanks her and leaves.

While all of that was going on, however, Eidolon managed to sneak into the back of the house and get to the safe in Mr. Patel's former office. After the two of the crack it open they discover a note to his wife and an empty dose of laes. The note indicates he found out that his entire team was going to be inhabited by insect spirits, and he was going to do what he could to keep his family and loved ones safe. He apologizes for filing for the divorce and hopes she'll understand. Hell Hound and Eidolon leave the safe slightly ajar.

The team decides to go see this new apartment, but are spotted by the occupants: A wasp-inhabited Mr. Patel and some flesh form wasps - and one hybrid form wasp. After a shootout on the street the wasps lay dead. Ez-Azael pours one out for the real Mr. Patel, then tosses the bottle at his corpse for firing him. The team retreats before Knight Errant arrives.


The news of the wasps in suppressed by the police, but the team contacts News-Van Dan and tells him the story who puts it out on his news site. Ez-Azael now knows why he was fired, but who knows if that will bring him closure.


Eidolon and Ez-Azael: 9k nuyen (from 'selling' Hell Hound to the Patel Family) - 4.5 RVP 3 CDP - 0.5 RVP + 2 Base 7 Karma - 7 RVP News Van Dan (Connection 3 Legwork Contact) at Loyalty 2 - 4 RVP

Hell Hound: 20k nuyen towards High lifestyle costs (can be saved until it's all used up) - 5 RVP 2 CDP - 2 Base 7 Karma - 7 RVP News Van Dan (Connection 3 Legwork Contact) at Loyalty 2 - 4 RVP

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Ez-Azael: "This is something of a shock. Still pissed that he fired me, though I guess there's not really an easy way to say 'Hey, there's bugs from the astral planes. I'm saving your ass.' I'm sure Wychking would be proud, if they weren't in that kangaroo-court. I probably should talk to them later... At least for now; Rest in Peace Matthew Patel, you son-of-a-bitch. At least I managed to stay alive."