Fragile? It Must Be Italian! Part 2

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Fragile? It Must Be Italian! Part 2
Part of Devil's Night
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Spinrad Industries
Sonora Island Executive Protection Specialists
Casualties and losses
None None


Mr. Johnson is looking for retribution. A corporate rival took a swing at embarrassing him socially and now Mr. Johnson looks to swing back. Unfortunately his rival has left on an extended leave from the corp, so Mr. Johnson wants a team to find out where he is in the most straightforward way possible: find his also-gone-to-ground executive assistant. Find him and bring him back (preferably alive.)


Mr. Johnson is Charles Diallo, a fast-riser at Federated-Boeing. His orkish appearance and his humble origins have made him enemies amongst the blue bloods and silver spoon crowd at his corporation. His recent promotion to a highly coveted Senior Vice President role was a breaking point for a rival, who tried to ruin his daughter’s birthday party. A man of disproportionate responses, Diallo is seeking blood and needs a team to help him find it.

The Meet

The team meets Mr. Johnson on the Matrix, in a seemingly random digital location. Mr. Johnson outlines what he needs and the team agrees to take the run. Ka$hious is aggressive and highly skilled in her negotiations with Mr. Johnson who ultimately agrees to double his original payment to each runner. He gives the team the name of the executive assistant he needs tracked down “Rohit Patel” and tells them what little he knows about him: he’s a nature lover.

The Plan

Ka$hious and Sizzles both set out in different directions to find out where Rohit might have gone. Sizzles snoops around Fed-Boeing corners of the Matrix looking for any public purchases of travel packages, while Ka$hious works her giantess social magic in a physical boutique travel agency (Wanderlust, now a Horizon property.) She discovers that Rohit had indeed contacted them but was unable to purchase the package he wanted as his desired location (Relais & Châteaux Sonora Island) was outside of Horizons domain. Sizzles discovers that Rohit has booked a honeymoon suite at the same island.

The team is able to convince Mr. Johnson to lend them access surreptitiously to co-workers fancy boat and then the team prepares to head to the island. The plan is to purchase a package for Ka$hious and send her in as a guest to social engineer her way to the target, then convince him to come out to the boat to be extracted and brought back to Seattle. She suggests they come to the Island as her attendants but they decide to stay on the boat as Matrix/Magic/Muscle backup in case things go sideways.

The Run

Ka$hious and the team arrive in the clear waters and fresh air of Vancouver, and dock at the island. Ka$hious enters and begins schmoozing with the rich folk on vacation there. Eventually she befriends Rohit’s boyfriend, Manmeet, and uses him to eventually lure them down after a day to the dock. In the meantime, bypassing security by sending in just the face, the rest of the team fish and drink beer. When Ka$hious brings the nervous Rohit and his naive boyfriend down to the dock Thunder correctly worries that Rohit might recognize the boat as belonging to a coworker. When he does, Ka$hious quietly intimidates him (so effectively that he urinates himself) and urges the two onboard.

Once on, the rest of the team pretend to be servants for Ka$hious: Sizzles serves prosecco while Thunder is done up, with Chameleon’s disguise skills, to look like a clean-cut executive security specialist. Manmeet suspects nothing as they sail back to Seattle. Rohit is deftly interrogated by the team and spills the beans that he went on a honeymoon because he thought his (now former?) boss was going to have him killed, like he’d put a hit out on the team’s Johnson. Realizing their employer was in danger they sent word about the Turkish hit team on its way to Seattle, and when they returned to the dock there was driverless car with their remainder of their fee in the back. Rohit and Manmeet entered the car, with Manmeet cheerfully exchanging comm numbers with Ka$hious and waving goodbye.


Paid up in full, the team wonders what has happened (or might happen soon) to their now-former employer.


13 RVP

10,000 Nuyen (5 RVP) (+10,000 bonus from Ka$hious’s killer negotiation) 5 Karma (5 RVP) 6 CDP (3 RVP)

Optional Contact: Manmeet Singh (Brackhaven Investments Shadow Banker (Connection 2/Loyalty 1)

Game Quotes

"If you think you can fit me in a cab with you and Thunder, you've got another thing comin." "Nah it'll be fine, you can sit on my lap." "DONE!" -Chameleon to Ka$hious

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Ka$hious Money Villionaire: "Y'know, truthfully speakin, pretendin' to be some kinda exec, 'schmoozin about with a bunch of other corp nobility an shit at a private resort? Was pretty fuckin nova. May have to see about one day getting a private residence there, really live the life. Also those lovebirds were far too cute. Best paid vacation I ever had."

Chameleon "Almost the perfect run. The meet with Mr. Johnson went great, Ka$h got us double the money and half up front. Sizzles made the electrons dance while Ka$h did face to face legwork and we had the ifo we needed about the location of our target and a yacht to get us there.I sat in the shade and drank beer while Thunder taught Sizzles to fish. Ka$h spent several days a living the life at the resort while alcohol and salmon was consumed on the yacht. Ka$h lured the target and his fiance away from their suite with the promise of dinner and a fishing trip on the yacht. Once in our hands Ka$h did couples counseling while Thunder subtly interrogated the target and got the details of the plot. Then a nice cruise back to our payoff. No combat except when Ka$h tried to kill me."

Sizzles "Decker's log: oh no, it's today. Diallo's enemies are going nuclear a lot faster than he thought - what was pitched as him proactively looking to squeeze some info out of an underling turned out to be us pulling the man out from the crosshairs of a Turkish assassination squad. I'm worried about the man - it'll be depressing if the first thing one of my first friends in Seattle does is die. Op was slick enough - nobody my size pushes back on a troll, and Kasha is good at fascination. An op where no-one shoots at me is my favorite kind. Manmeet even gave me his commcode! What's a little white-collar crime between friends, right? I think I might be settling in to this vocation! Either that, or I'm just getting lucky. I guess the real test will be when an op properly goes to drek. Kasha comes off as classic street trash, but there's something comforting about standing near someone who is an audio-visual assault on the senses - it makes me feel more confident in going unnoticed. Besides, what the fuck do I know about Seattle - maybe signature styles are as common as chips around here. Thunder, now, I liked him - if he was on the level, he was endearingly frank about himself. I'm taken aback at all these magicians proudly declaring themselves on the burnout's path - back home, the serpent shamans all had nothing but disdain for those who would squander their magical gifts like that. Think I'll keep those particular thoughts to myself, though. I hope Thunder makes it long enough to figure himself out - he seems like a guy who doesn't quite know what to do with himself. Chameleon is a cypher, as ever - was he getting a crush on Kasha? He looked a little dreamy, but maybe I was imagining it.

Note to self: learn how to sail, that was an embarrassment."