Genevieve LaCroix

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Genevieve LaCroix
Genevieve LaCroix.jpg
Contact OwnerRichard_Villiers
Owner's Discord NameVilliers
Public Contact?Yes
LocationLille, France
Preferred Payment MethodCertified credstick
Hobbies/VicePersonal grooming
Personal LifeIn a relationship
FactionKinsfolk in Nature's Domain (KIND)
Awakened Philanthropist
Hocus Focus
Big Stick Diplomancy
Tattoo Artist


Genevieve ran the shadows as a Cat shaman for a little more than five years. She never pursued the high end work that occasionally came up. She had a different plan. She took work that was risky enough to make a good living but not so risky as to make the jobs infrequent. For several years she spent the bulk of her disposable income on tuition after enrolling at EDHEC. The rest went into savings to accumulate some capital. After graduation she gambled on a high risk, high payoff run. And won her gamble. Combined with her nest-egg, the payout from her final job was enough to start a business as a talismonger. To date, the combination of magical and business savvy has been successful. The plethora of photos of her horseback riding with a handsome gentleman in her MeFeed account suggests her personal life has improved as well.

Aspects Description

Aspect Description
Talismonger Genevieve is a Talismonger and can act as a possible supplier for all things magical and alchemical in nature.
Awakened Philanthropist Genevive is fairly known to be very helpful and respectful to the Awakened community in particular, and

there are many magical individuals who trust her immensely. As a result, Genevieve has many connections with the Awakened and otherwise magical individuals. Genevieve gains a +2 bonus to Networking Checks related to Awakened individuals.

Hocus Focus While she sells any manner of magical items or supplies, Genevieve is rather interested in Foci and has a few ins

for getting a hold of them more easily. Genevieve gains a +2 bonus to Gear Checks to obtain Foci.

Big Stick Diplomancy Genevieve is quite fond of taking care of would-be problems herself with direct methods. However, casting

spells within her businesses is rather unprofessional and tends to make a mess, so she has quite the knack for Weapon Foci. Still very effective and cause relatively less mess. As a result, Genevieve has a much easier time creating or obtaining Weapon Foci and gains a +2 Bonus to Gear Checks for Weapon Foci.

Tattoo Artist Genevieve is a connoisseur of calligraphy and tattoo art. +2 dice to checks involving art, tattoos and

magical tattoos.


Knowledge Checks 4 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Active Checks 2 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Gear Acquisition Checks 12 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety
Networking Checks 8 + Loyalty + Aspects - Notoriety


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Jean-luc Arrègle

Carleton Moreau

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