Shining Scorched Stone

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Fennec's Stream

Date: 28 September 2084 By: Fennec

“Hi hi, ShiroFennec Deeeeeeeeeeeeesu! I've been inspired, chat! I no longer want to be a streamer. I want to be a bold adventurer, plundering the depths of the Seattle Convention Center for rare gems and artifacts!" A pickaxe is flung into frame, boomeranging back around a moment later - to be caught by the foxboy as he dives in, belly-flopping into the middle of the camera's view and hovering in the air.

"Hmm? What do you mean why am I not falling chat? I have absolute control over this world! Kneel before the awesome might of Fenn-ah!"

He falls into a heap of swaying tails and dust, a groan slipping out as chat laughs/derides/teases the streamer.

"Uogh. Cave-iiiiiiiiiiiiin. Send help chat! I need drills! And cashchats. But mostly drills!"

By the time the fox is back in frame, chat's started sending donos - and he's sporting a pair of absolutely massive new drills as part of his hairdo. "Oi oi oi, wait a second chat, these don't work on me at all."

Snap - the drills disappear. "Better! Thanks NineNyuntheNun for the Ninehundredninetynine Nuyen! Yes, I can read that at full speed without stuttering!" A wave of the hand, and the chat interface disappears from his eyes. "Alright, settle down, you heard about the rocks getting stolen! And you probably heard about the explosion that happened just a couple klicks away, too! So gather round, gentlemen, I have a story to tell, about a - wait, this isn't the 80's stream."

A huff of breath, and Fennec chucks the pickaxe back offscreen - before pulling up security footage of the blast. "Look, look chat - no, look! C'mon dudes, closer. A bit closer, much closer. That's right! There are people running away. Can't make them out, this camera's total garbage, but that sure is some people running away from this car bomb. Neat! I hope they had fun!" A wink for the camera - then another feed comes up:

The reporter in the clip starts, "Reports say that three travelers lost their lives in the blast. Police suspect that the Vory were involved in-"

"Hear that chat?" chirps Fennec over the top of the clip. "That right there! That's our connection. See, I looked into some of the companies taking care of business in the convention, and guess what? The catering company -and- the security company both have Vory connections! It's a conspiracy chat! Wooooooo~~. But this is only one layer deep, and you know we go deeper than that! Thanks for the cashchat Bobobonobobonobo! What do you mean 'phrasing'?"

"Now, here's the real juicy stuff. First! The theft doesn't match the Vory profile. If they wanted the jewels that bad, they'd have taken all of them, not just the necklace - they're not subtle. Same token, they'd probably have been louder than whoever did the job. That's some unknown third party!"

"And second - I got to speak with someone after the blast went up. Apparently, she was out picking up dinner when that went down. Now, I don't know about you, but when I meet somebody with a big old cyberarm, I think to myself, 'Oh! Hello runner!' And then she told me she was just a Private Investigator, checking into the situation with the jewels. Pfft. Yeah right! That was my cover story, and nobody steals my cover story."

"So here it is chat, the unified theory: The bomb went off to cover up the true perpetrators of the crime: Wuxing and their Triad buddies. I will elaborate no further! Leave me alone, chat, let's play some games!"

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