Riley O'Connor

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Riley O'Connor
Riley 1.jpg
Physad Street Sam/Face
Aiden, Hero of Galway
Awakened or EmergedAwakened
Street Cred0
Public Awareness3
Wild Rep0
Career Karma0
GMP Karma0
Career Nuyen0
D.O.B.March 3, 1994

Character Information


He goes by "Aiden" as a Runner. It was his older brother's name. His brother died during a P-IRA attack in the early 2000's.

A thorn in the side of law enforcement. He doesn't care much for Lonestar, but absolutely loathes the Metroplex Guard. He holds them both responsible for The Night of Rage.

He has close ties to the Ancients. In many respects, he is all but a fully patched member. He prefers his independence but will come to their aid if asked. He prefers to stay out of Mob business.

He is famous for his selflessness displayed during The Night of Rage. He is not a hero, but he couldn't stand by and watch such unwarranted violence and slaughter happen without doing something about it.

Privileged Family Name - he is a member of the Danaan family, the O'Connors.

He walks the Path of the Bard.

He is wholly loyal to Lady Brane Deigh after Liam O’Connor’s death.


Skills, Skills, Skills!


Riley O'Connor was born in Galway, Ireland in 1994. He was one of the “Spike Babies” born before the UGE caused elves to be born en masse. He spent his childhood at his family estate, rarely interacting with the public during his childhood. He became deeply involved in the geopolitical situation in Ireland/England when he was 16. He was a prominent figure in the events leading up to the signing of the Treaty of Galway. he was partly responsible for the magical terrorist attacks conducted in 2014.

He stayed there for several years and played a part in the official formation of Tir Na Nog. Being from one of the Danaan families, he was destined to play a role in the politics of the Court. But politics bore him. After several years playing the role of a minor member of the royal families, he decided he needed adventure.

He left Tir Na Nog in 2038. Little did he know what the following year would have in store for him.

The Night of Rage is a stain on the history of metahuman politics. Violence went unchecked by the very people sworn to uphold law and order. But some took to the streets as vigilantes. Some took justice into their own hands. Riley was one of them. Gangers, Mobsters, Metroplex Guard, he killed anyone perpetrating the violence. This led to a near historic view from the locals. One he always tries to play down.

He still maintains close ties to home. He is a member of the Danaan mór of Cannaught, the O'Connor’s. He eschewed a position of power in the Court long ago, but still enjoys the prestige of his family. His status is loosely recognized in Tir Tairngire, but his more recent actions carry more weight.

He spent the last 10 years or so Shadowrunning he has been a solo act taking light jobs. Much of his time is spent in Tarislar helping the community and ensuring a good upbringing for the next generations of elves. He has made a name for himself and has a good reputation.

Narrative Significant Qualities



Run History

No runs yet. This list will auto-populate when this character is tagged in a run AAR.



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Dakota 6 1 Fixer(A,N,K,G) SSC Ranger NaN Pride, Loyalty to the NaN, SSC Ranger, Shadow Connections, Mageslayer, Smuggled Contraband, Solid Rep: First Nations, Silver-Tongued Devil, Tir Respect, Connections at Blackstone, Border Crossings Even
Ether 5 2 Fixer Fixer Smuggler, Armorer, Vehicles, Elven Blood, Ganger Network, Seattle Underworld Even
Ameline Laurent 4 2 Custom(A,N,K,G) Docwagon HTR Pilot HTR, Solid Reputation, Mercenary Connections, Angel of Mercy, Flight Clearance Even
Erik Steiner 3 2 Custom(A,K,N,G) Mercenary Technomancer Technomancer, Propensity for Violence, MET2000 Contacts, Matrix Savvy Even


Contact Position Connection Faction Rep Archetype Health Location


Organization Reputation
Wild Index +0
Wild Rep +0


Organization Reputation

In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Results

Hits Information Gained
1 Generally healthy. Mundane. R3 Grey Mana Tattoos.
2 Some regular Ware.
3 Essence 1.1. Some Cyberware.
4 More Ware.
5+ Not a Technomancer. Even more Ware.


Real - CATCo

Fake R4 UCAS - Lorraine Dutertre





Matrix Persona