Chromecast and Furious

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Chromecast and Furious
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp


The team are tasked by Chernobog to find and get rid of some human traffickers. The team obliges happily.


The Meet

The team meets up at the Docks to a group of people who are "like vory" but not. Blackhawk and Nearl have a reunion, and Blackhawk offers a balistic mask to Nearl to avoid any previous incidents.

They head inside to an eerie facility seemingly full of jail cells, each doors warded. Though, upon inspection, it seems closer to a safehouse than a jail. They're not the most welcoming, but the wards help with irking out a safe space from prying eyes. That being said, safe 'house' would be not the most accurate. They were walking by a series of bolthouses. And of course, these were being opperated by Chernobog.

Further inspection showed a door with markings of "Now, arise, black god Chernobog, arise! Plague bearer, awake this world, I forsake! Chernobog Arise!" None of the trio were ready to go in until Blackhawk went first.

Inside, they were met with a white room, two halves seperated by glass. Upon inside, they'd see Chernobog, donning a mask before turning to see the Trio. The room, humid, was uncomfortable and off putting, but there was a realization that it was set up to sustain the life of someone with severe burns, that someone of course being the J.

During the conversation, Ephemera picks up a reverberant signature on Chernobog, and shuts matrix offline. Chernobog goes on to casually name drop Urubia, and offer info on some human trafficking, and asks the runners - in somewhat essoteric terms - that it should be stopped. Chernobog offers 12,ooo nuyen for the team, and the trio agree.

Before they left, Nerl opened a private DNI with Chernobog, asking "If you know who the black lodge is". Though, Chernobog didn't have any information to offer. So, Chernobog sends the runners off with three locations for info on potential leads to the Traffickers.

The Plan

The team decide to head to each of the three places, finding and gathering info on each of them in order to figure out what is going on.

The Run

Starting at Dave's Discount 'Ware, the trio investigate "If you buy it, it's your problem now." Inside is full of cheap, cheap ware. Blackhawk and Nearl interrogate Dave physically and Ephemera on the net. That being said, they find that for a chop shop he keeps things pretty organized. Though his source on bodies? Entirely cadavres. So, through a short tribulation, it seems like dave is a dead end.

Upon meeting the second location, the trio were immediately hit with the staunch realization that the shop was taken by a serial killer. the inside was marked with a BGC of 3, and it caused disgust and terror in those who gazed on it. A matrix and astral check showed someone still alive, and the team tried their best to breach the room, clearing it to make way for Nearl to save the man's life. Clearing the room, they find an absolutely bloody scene. It's covered in death and blood, the aftermath of a cyberpsycho. Finding it safe, Ephemer and Blackhawk get their resident mage to heal the near-death person.

The surivor mentions they were hit by someone with eyes of fire, who was shouting "you don't deserve to live" the entire time. He mentioned there was a recording, and the team view it.

The team was unprepaired, relaxing and acting casually. A strange individual to enters the room, drawing a toxic-green blade that dispatches the guards and the other, leaving only a nurse alive.

After viewing the logs, the team mostly decide to leave, but Nearl brings up a good point; they don't know wheather these people are the people they're looking for or not. Ephemera mentions they'll check the logs on the nearby terminal, finding some troubling information she tries to confirm with a nurse. Threatening them with their shotgun, Ephemera gains info that leads the team to further suspect the clinic, that the deceased boss might have more details. The Bosses' commlink shows names, ages, and dates, including a recent mention of "Meet us here, you have two days before we move".

Sharing that info with Blackhawk and Nearl, the trio decide to prepaire before their sneak attack on the traffickers. The team heads inside. With the combination of magic, matrix, and meat, the team forges ahead - that is until the front door turns out to be alarmed. Finding a group of drones, the team breach the room with a grenade and set off alarms. After that? Another drone room, with a group of drones, the team breach the room with a grenade.

Once past the 4th door, they find a group of people in captivity. Nearl stays to help the people, while ephemera and blackhawk make their way to to chase after the gangers. Running as fast as a car, Blackhawk and Ephemera chase the tunnel to a grouping of three doors, and the duo take different paths to find the escaping gangers.

The car Blackhawk chased ended up being the wrong car, as they found a pizza delivery driver with absolutely no speck of trafficking on them. Ephemera's tunnel ended up containing a drone that was driving while slightly damaged, missing a wheel. She blasts off the remainig wheel and jacks in, only to find that the drone wasn't part of a PAN.

The two reunite in the central tunnel and run, trying to find the other vehicle. On the other side, they end up in a part of redmond. Tracking the vehicle, they find it after some duress, where Blackhawk shoots and disables the car's tire. It immediately crashes, the pilot suffering dumpshock. Out of the crash came a drone, which was immediately dispatched.


The gang they came up against ended up being from California, one who employs drones. They were not really heard of, and information was sparse.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)