Uncle Ahn's Warehouseapalooza
Uncle Ahn's Warehouseapalooza | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | |||||||||
Blackhawk 0-K |
The team’s fixers were contacted by one Uncle Ahn (of Uncle Ahn’s Warehouseapalooza fame) for a job. They arrived on-site, and were met by Uncle Ahn himself for the meet. He explained to them that there was a storage container he needed to sweep for traps, and his boys didn’t come back out when he sent them in. He said there’d be a bonus for recovering the bodies of the people he sent in, which was quickly collected not 5 feet into the building, which had been converted into a maze by setting shipping containers end-to-end. Inside, the runners encountered a series of alchemical preparation traps designed by someone with all the unbridled malice and sense of humor of a 9-year-old boy, and culminated in an epic (not really) stand-off against a group of pirate-themed anthrodrones and two Krime (t-shirt) Cannon turrets. After defeating the fell scallywags, the daring duo claimed their dazzling reward from a plastic treasure chest, and triggered a few traps on the way out.
Uncle Ahn, a middle-ranking member of the Komun’go Ring, has a problem- someone skipped payment on their warehouse rental, and he needs it cleared out. Unfortunately for him, it belonged to a Shadowrunner, and none of the boys he sent came back.
The Meet
The meet took place at the Warehouseapalooza itself, located in the bustling(ish) heart(ish) of the Tacoma docklands, where Uncle Ahn briefed the runners on the goings-on. The runners agreed to his generous offer of pay, and he tacked on a small bonus if the runners could find the bodies of the men he sent in.
The Plan
The plan was simple and straightforward, as astral recon quickly revealed that the warehouse was the site of a Magical Lodge. The team then decided to say “fuck it, we ball”, and headed inside after gathering their gear.
The Run
Upon opening the door, the runners quickly found out what happened to the unfortunate lads Uncle Ahn had sent inside. A shotgun trap placed above the door had turned them into a pulpy red mass. So sad! And, on top of that, the warehouse appeared to have been converted into some kind of twisted maze of storage containers connected end-to-end.
Our fearless duo ventured deeper into the halls of the fucked up and twisted Conex, stumbling upon a glorious shrine: a single pillar, illuminated by spotlights, upon which rested a Big Red Button.
Wisely leaving said button alone, because, like, c’mon, the plucky runners soon discovered their next challenge: a hallway crisscrossed with lasers like some sort of bank heist movie.
Looking for more than two seconds, it became clear that said lasers were pieces of red yarn, and did the obvious thing: just ignored the yarn and walked forwards. However, upon coming into contact with the yarn, it became clear that it wouldn’t be that easy: 0-K felt like every nerve center in his body was being hit with very small but very heavy hammers.
After some dazzling acrobatics from our intrepid iceman and his cowboy compatriot, they emerged into a brightly lit arena, where a horde (well, okay, about five) dastardly brigands accosted them. The pirate-themed anthrodrones fired their flintlocks, which missed, and bravely charged with their scimitars, but were no match for people who weren’t blind, deaf, and paralyzed. However, as the runners entered the room, two turrets popped down from the ceiling, each bearing what appeared to be a Krime Cannon. The dynamic duo was caught off-guard, and the cannons fired, missing by miles with not one of, but BOTH of their t-shirts. Tragedy.
Having soundly dispatched the pirates, the heroes approached a plastic treasure chest, in which their treasure awaited: a poorly-counterfeited Aztechnology scrip note worth roughly 3 nooj, and a chewed-up wad of gum. Blawk took the note, and, not quite sure what it was, 0-K took the gum, which was met by immediate regret as the sticky mass was… pretty gross.
The only thing standing between the runners and the exit was the yarn, which Blackhawk quickly made his way through. 0-K, on the other hand, accidentally brushed one of the strands, and an Ice Storm preparation went off, admittedly barely phasing the clearly superior ice mage. The storm snapped the yarn, and 0-K slid across the ice, not losing balance once. Almost like he’s used to ice or something.
Their quest completed, our brave and mildly annoyed adventurers went to claim their reward, and went their separate ways.
Uncle Ahn’s warehouseapalooza has an opening, and the Komun’go Ring’s interests were secured. Oh, and three mothers lost their sons, but they didn’t even have names in my notes, so who cares?
10,000 Nuyen 5 karma +3 Komun'ga Ring rep
Blackhawk gets the following additional rewards: +1 West Coast Monolith rep 3 nuyen's worth of poorly-made counterfeit Aztechnology corporate scrip