Not Onotari's arms

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Not Onotari's arms
Status Threat Level: Extreme
Factions Involved
Slava Nikerosa
Onotari arms Saeder-Krupp
Red Ribbon
Heart of the Tempest
Bunny Hop


Runners stole some plasma weapon prototypes from MCT and they have traced the location of these components to an SK owned lab operated by Onotari arms in the AGS. MCT has subcontracted Slava Nikerosa to recover these prototypes discreetly and with no ties back to MCT. In tern Slava has reached out to the local Seattle runner network to strike the facility.

The Meet

The team all met up at Slava's bar, the Runner's Resort, in Tacoma to discuss the run. He explained that he was given the location of a secret lab facility in the AGS that is ripe with tech and ready for plunder. His "source" was able to provide some basic info on the facility as well as a single dose of a special nanite system that the lab uses for employee identification. The nanites are currently not registered with the lab and would not work unless their ID codes could be included in the staffing. Slava did mention a small hiccup with the run, he was not directly offing money for this job. He instead proposed that he would offer his intel on the facility, its location, the nanites, and his services as a fixer and sin forger in exchange for the stolen prototypes. Anything else that the team recovers from the facility is their to keep or sell. He would arrange to either fence the goods or change ownership of anything recovered. The team was hesitant at this prospect but sheepishly agreed at the promise of laser tech along with other likely military grade gear.

The Plan

The team started be digging up as much info as they could on so black sites. The reached out to contacts and performed some matrix searches which resulted in very little information. With that they contacted Slava who arranged for transport on a UCAS military transport. The soldioers were not too pleased with their mission being preempted to drop off some passengers and neglected to inform them that their vehicle would be ejected from the transport and engage in a HALO jump. The team was shocked but Red Ribbon managed to keep it gether and get on the ground safely. They had arrived in the AGS. BHop reached out to a greenwar contact they worked with in a previous job, Bl@ckjack. They were able to provide the location of a centralized host within Berlin which is used to coordinate staffing for all the facilities in the region and recommended that Hop starts there. This began the first host dive of the run. The plan, slip in and try to locate information related to the facility as well as secondary information related to it. Supply deliveries, staffing, layouts are all fair game. Narrowly avoiding the patrolling IC and spiders, Hop found a file room with personal files related to the facility. These files contained information on staff rotations, on site staff numbers, and with each file a coded value linking to their file to their injected nanite system. Armed with this info BHop left the host and the team began thinking of ways into the facility. Plans included sneaking Tempest in as a new guard, hi-jacking or redirecting the next food shipment and posing as the delivery crew along with physical infiltration were thrown about. The team decided on some physical recon before settling on a plan and drove to the facility.

The Run

RR avoided local attention and drove near the facilities location, copious use of air surveillance from the two riggers eventually led to discovery of the exact location of the base. The lab was burred underground and partially within a hillside. RR scouted out the apparent main entrance while Neijing located a concealed air duct and a collapsed shaft of some form. The entrance was well secured and contained fiber optic vison ports, a secured door and camera system. The surface vent, a motion sensor and camoflague, and the shaft appeared to be an old stair well or elevator. Neijing wriggled their flyspy through the rubble to investigate the shaft more, finding only a deep pit with a couple of doors welded shut, one for each floor of the facility. Until now the team had managed to avoid detection but once inside the shaft, Neijing was spotted by one of the security deckers managing the base. The spider began to mark Neijing, hoping to trace their location discreatly until one of the marks failed. Neijing fled the region quickly and the team escaped without further apparent issue. This detection prompted security to begin an investigation and procedural divinations related to the facility as well as stricter intake controls for the next week. The team was unaffected by this increased security as their plan adjusted. They decided to attack one of the replacement security mages that was scheduled to transfer into the facility with the next resupply shipment. They returned to Berlin and adducted the woman on the street after studying her social media habits and schedule. The attack went off quickly and without much incident and Red Ribbon's stealthful driving allowed them to escape notice deftly. The team kept the guard sedated and ransacked her apartment, stealing some weapons and security armor. All that remained was for BHop to reenter the host and insert Tempest's biometric data into the personnel files. The dive started off fine but just as Hop inserted the data the local bloodhound IC spotted Hop who made a quick escape. This latest discovery prompted a new series of investigations as well as a report to the lab.


Tempest narrowly survived the brutal escape a d the team deftly avoided local air patrols as well as satellite imaging. Even though the stolen plastic pistol exploded, Hop managed to recover a lot of research and blueprints, not only to the stolen plasma tech but also many other OA active projects. Additionally Neijing got out with the partially completed plasma rifle. This was more than enough to fufil the base contact and earn a small bonus. Additionally Slava was able to change ownership on the stolen goods and provided cash for the recovered research data.


Not Onotari's arms Extreme 16.5 hours 83 RVP

28,000Y (14 RVP) (From recovered gear)

Optional gear rewards (RVP paid from money RVP only)

1 set of medium borg armor with void black coating + 1000Y (5 RVP) Claimed by Neijing

1 ares archon with external smartlink (top mount) + 400Y (9 RVP) Claimed by Neijing

If taking slava as a contact, May trade for gear rates on sin forging services, firearms(or mods), armor(or mods), or std/alpha grade cyberware under 18 avail

30 Karma (30 RVP)

Optional karma rewards (RVP paid from karma RVP only)

Up to 3 instances of spec mod/prototype martials (regular or 2ndary) at gen rates. (5 RVP each up to 15 RVP)

In leu of spec mods up to 15 RVP of gear rate credit(60k) towards a deck upgrade. BHop only

2 free CDP (0 RVP)

78 CDP (39 RVP) Suggested knowledge skills, security procedures, security design, Corporation: Saeder-Krupp among probably many other options.

Optional Contacts (CDP RVP only)

Slava Nikerosa 5/3 (7 RVP)

Bl@ckjack 4/2 (5 RVP)-the German Greenwar decker please let me know if you are taking this and ill make up the contact page. Likely an active/network decker contact with some corp and host related aspects.

Red ribbon may upgrade Von Neumann to loyalty 4 (1 RvP per loyalty bump max 4)

BHop - repays 1 chip to Yamada for services rendered

General optional rewards (Any RVP)

For BHop

(9 RVP)Better on the net firewall

(6 RVP)Daredevil

For Tempest

(3 RVP)Profiler

(20 RVP)Lightning reflexes

(5 RVP)Honest face

For Red Ribbon

(3 RVP)Impenetrable Logic

Narrative consequences!

  • Von Neumann has been provided the means to build plasma pistols at its leisure.
  • SK did not loose the plans to build its stolen plasma tech as they were not destroyed but has suffered a small setback on its plasma rifle program.
  • MCT has recovered its lost plasma prototypes along with some advancement of the technology thanks to SK's weapons' tech program.
  • BHop is paranoid that her signature has been discovered and is in the hands of SK.

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)

Heart of the Tempest

Well. 'Twas certainly an adrenaline rush. I was caught in a lie and without mine powers, and had to beat a fighting retreat. 'Twas unfortunate, and between the backlash of mine powers an' a fire spirit. Far from death, despite mine girlfriend's objections, e'en after a plasma blast incinerated the best portion of mine abdomen. Mine gifts art most handy indeed.