02-05-2018 Incident Axiom

From ShadowHaven Reloaded
Revision as of 23:40, 8 September 2018 by DrBurst (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Is there an age limit for runners Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Otaku are like kids SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Aren't any Otaku anymore Slayer_Panda02/05/2...")
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Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Is there an age limit for runners Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Otaku are like kids SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Aren't any Otaku anymore Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 But you get into odd scenarios sending in children to a warzone SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Lorewise, no, but if you're playing a child I'm going to ask why Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Story radios Reasons* SadSuspenders02/05/2018 There's no shadowrunner license you have to get that requires you to be 16, or whatever Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 She is an abandoned child left to fend for herself. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 How old, and what metatype? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 10 elf SCKoNi02/05/2018 >10 year old shadowrunner Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Oh jeeeeez Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 I would say a no till like 16 SCKoNi02/05/2018 so you want GMs to RP killing your 10 year old character? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 If she dies. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 No other runners will trust her No fixer will hire her That's not really going to work SCKoNi02/05/2018 and how is she an "Established Runner" Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 I can age her up Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Unless shes a street level runner 16 minimum SCKoNi02/05/2018 age her up to 18 Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Shes a former child soldier with all the horribleness

Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Is there an age limit for runners Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Otaku are like kids SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Aren't any Otaku anymore Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 But you get into odd scenarios sending in children to a warzone SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Lorewise, no, but if you're playing a child I'm going to ask why Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Story radios Reasons* SadSuspenders02/05/2018 There's no shadowrunner license you have to get that requires you to be 16, or whatever Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 She is an abandoned child left to fend for herself. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 How old, and what metatype? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 10 elf SCKoNi02/05/2018 >10 year old shadowrunner Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Oh jeeeeez Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 I would say a no till like 16 SCKoNi02/05/2018 so you want GMs to RP killing your 10 year old character? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 If she dies. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 No other runners will trust her No fixer will hire her That's not really going to work SCKoNi02/05/2018 and how is she an "Established Runner" Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 I can age her up Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Unless shes a street level runner 16 minimum SCKoNi02/05/2018 age her up to 18 Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Shes a former child soldier with all the horribleness

Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Is there an age limit for runners Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Otaku are like kids SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Aren't any Otaku anymore Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 But you get into odd scenarios sending in children to a warzone SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Lorewise, no, but if you're playing a child I'm going to ask why Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Story radios Reasons* SadSuspenders02/05/2018 There's no shadowrunner license you have to get that requires you to be 16, or whatever Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 She is an abandoned child left to fend for herself. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 How old, and what metatype? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 10 elf SCKoNi02/05/2018 >10 year old shadowrunner Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Oh jeeeeez Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 I would say a no till like 16 SCKoNi02/05/2018 so you want GMs to RP killing your 10 year old character? Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 If she dies. SadSuspenders02/05/2018 No other runners will trust her No fixer will hire her That's not really going to work SCKoNi02/05/2018 and how is she an "Established Runner" Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 I can age her up Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Unless shes a street level runner 16 minimum SCKoNi02/05/2018 age her up to 18 Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Shes a former child soldier with all the horribleness

SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Elves age slower than humans, 18 is good Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 But still That might make it worse Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 Well she was abandoned due to her "friends" AdventureMoose (T-Bone)02/05/2018 If I wanted to make a private contact rating 9 like I mentioned to you sad, would that be cool or nah SadSuspenders02/05/2018 There's not much worse than as a GM justifying why all these adult professionals have hired a child Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Unless they are incredibly desperate new guy02/05/2018 old enough to do the job only qualification that matters deckers tend to start off super fucking young Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 They have the skillset to do the job a fuckton of spirit friends and the ability to face like a boss new guy02/05/2018 orks can fight and kill people at the age of 9 just physically people grow up very fast in a dystopian universe and runners are the best example of this Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 Yes Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 character is a black magic aspected conjuror Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 But as a gm I’d be very uncomfortable describing anything dystopian happening to a 10 year old Voro, Caustic Eximus02/05/2018 orks are narrowly postpubescent at 10 elves decidedly are not

new guy02/05/2018 elves take like 24 years iirc to properly mature yeah its interesting SadSuspenders02/05/2018 I'm going to take issue with a 10 year old elf A 10 year old ork? Maybe, but an elf? No Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 This is entering animu levels of shes actually 1,000 years old new guy02/05/2018 eh I don't have a issue with the base idea but people make it weird a lot of the time. Ill have some kids die on my table for physical jobs being 10 is out of it but I don't have issues with 10 year old wiz deckers because that is just kind of a thing in the setting SadSuspenders02/05/2018 But for a mage, ehhhhh new guy02/05/2018 mage it depends on when they awakened SadSuspenders02/05/2018 I don't know how a 10 year old is going to have 8 charisma Borogove (Fischer)02/05/2018 Puppy Eyes. new guy02/05/2018 Plenty of them can have force of personality Borogove (Fischer)02/05/2018 But Mooooooom new guy02/05/2018 what gets their social dice pools is being a kid that is some social penalties for sure what is weird is being black magic and 10 SadSuspenders02/05/2018 The Haven is set up for established runners who have proved themselves, I don't know how a 10 year old is going to do that Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 im perfectly willing to make her 16 SCKoNi02/05/2018 I'm gonna say it here new guy02/05/2018 there you go SCKoNi02/05/2018 if I need to RP some lecherous street ganger eyeing up a 10 year old ...-_-

new guy02/05/2018 gangers have families too SadSuspenders02/05/2018 18 please, that's all I ask, if we're going by Evo standards new guy02/05/2018 16 is fine imo but I dunno SadSuspenders02/05/2018 I'm going to say 18 new guy02/05/2018 Runners are a type of people that imo live hard and fast. most of them are out of the game by their 30s SCKoNi02/05/2018 can we just say, for the sake of sanity that all runners that join Haven are legally adults Slayer_Panda02/05/2018 16 could be explained as a fresh faced recruit who lived a hard life A la vietnam new guy02/05/2018 well so its weird and depends on the role and situation Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 this is a runner thing wierd is a monday new guy02/05/2018 deckers and technos are very likely to start young, and for a while a good chunk of them were just legit kids because people needed otakus back in the day SadSuspenders02/05/2018 But for a lot of them, the rest of the team never saw them, they will see the mage however Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 her role will be Face and Using her spirits for tasks. she was abandoned because she couldnt control them when she was emotional new guy02/05/2018 mages the real question is why you aren't in a wizgang tbh DrBurst (Dani California)02/05/2018 They are also a black mage, which is a pretty sleazy tradition, no offense. A 10 year old black mage is...a little bit creepy. No offense.

SadSuspenders02/05/2018 You're going to be facing some pretty horrid social modifers if you're 10 new guy02/05/2018 yeh to both of those for my opinions Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 no offense taken, she did what she had to to survive hence the tradition new guy02/05/2018 mages it depends on how much the runners need a mage if they don't have a choice kids are kind of a necessary evil because facing magic without magic can cause issues but idk SCKoNi02/05/2018 can we please not be seriously discussing a 10 year old character? new guy02/05/2018 Eh I mean its cyberpunk man SadSuspenders02/05/2018 Yeah, I'm going to go talk to council about age limits SCKoNi02/05/2018 sure its cyberpunk, we still don't allow Pregnant(edited) do you want to RP an abortion? new guy02/05/2018 I mean different thing first off SCKoNi02/05/2018 its about themes new guy02/05/2018 that is what is I believe called a strawman SadSuspenders02/05/2018 At the end of the day, I make the decision here, and I'm going to say no Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 if it makes ya'll uncomfortable itll be built into her backstory and she is 18 SCKoNi02/05/2018 it ain't a strawman, I'm just using hyperbole to make a point about relevenat themes on an LC new guy02/05/2018 I mean DrBurst (Dani California)02/05/2018 Please drop it guys new guy02/05/2018 it technically is but w/e Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 its no big deal sorry guys new guy02/05/2018 My opinion is simply that it fits thematically and that is about it DrBurst (Dani California)02/05/2018 It is okay Rain, thanks for asking new guy02/05/2018 up to players and gms on how it plays out. Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 wasnt trying to start shit i thought the character could be interesting DrBurst (Dani California)02/05/2018 Axiom, please, just leave it. It is fine, don't worry rain. Let's just move on. Rainofgore(TwoPly)02/05/2018 18 it is though thanks new guy02/05/2018 Guess you can't really have dissenting opinions on a hobby. Idk. Tired of that but dropping it.