Whispers In The Dark

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Whispers In The Dark
LocationAres Proving Grounds, CAS, near the Aztlan border


"Breaking News! A coalition of non- and ex-corporate forces are fighting a bug infestation underneath the city of Seattle.
[Live Feed 1 (Trideo support by Cyclops Electronics, your friendly neighbourhood shop for all sensor and recording needs)]
[Live Feed 3(firewatch)] [Live Feed 4]
[Live Feed 12] [Live Feed 13] [Live Feed 14 (Sauron's Mace]
[Live Feed 17 (gun cam!)]
[Highlight Reel (best kills)] [Highlight Reel (narrative recap)]"


While helping a former subordinate escape the clutches of the Yakuza, Nora Inu barely avoids running into the clutches of bug spirits while navigating the tunnels of the Ork Underground underneath Redmond. In a later run, she overhears Yokai, a local legend, proclaim himself the slayer of otherworldly monstrosities and all who would threaten the existence of this world. They meet at Troll Stack to talk shop while chowing down on a barrel of blueberry pancakes. They'll need two things: Allies, and proof of these spirits to get those allies riled up.


They hop into an arms shop named Human Solutions, to get some Narcoject supplies for a life bug capture, and run into Firepower, a troll buying a light cannon, adapted to be handheld. Nora chats him up, and they invite him to come along, for fame and glory, and for the Ork Underground. Not only is he hella down to shoot up some bugs, he's also going to bring his crew. The runners split ways, Yokai seeking out support from the Scracha and the Sons of Sauron, while Nora Inu contacts Seattle's Ex-Firewatch with whom she curried favour during AC/DC - Thunderstruck, and secures safe passage for the troops and further combat and astral support from the infected living underneath the Redmond Barrens. She never learns the name of the old infected lady with the white eyes who can summon a myriad of different spirits as quickly as she can tap her walking stick on the ground.


Guarded and aided by one of Yokai's spirits, Nora snags a life bug, a grotesquely bloated creature who used to be a NeoPD employee, and now has had their arms replaced with large metal claws that drip magical acid. They meet their allies in D'Fuhk, smooth over any differences between the factions, rally them with a speech, execute the bug and roll out through the territory of the infested.



15 Karma Yokai, Nora Inu, 5 Karma Whichblade, Local Fame at chargen cost Yokai, Witchblade, First Impression at chargen cost Nora Inu Ork Underground Rep +5