Fire Cracker

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Fire Cracker
Novice Smuggler

Struggling Mage

Former Talent Agent
RedditReddit Name
MetatypeOrk Variant(Oni)
Street Cred0
Public Awareness0
D.O.B.June 21, 2055
PriorityMetatype - B
Attributes - C
Magic/Resonance - C (Mystic Adept)
Skills - B
Resources - E

Character Information


A former low ranking Horizon talent agent, that now seeks to earn a name in the shadows as a face and smuggler.


  • Learn how to become a successful smuggler.
  • Kill her former manager, Garvey Veinstein.
  • Reconnect which her former clients, who she shared an almost familial bond.


Blake was born and raised upon the festive streets of New Orleans to a destitute orc family comprising of a conman and a druidic gypsy. She managed to escape her caste by signing onto Horizon's hype train, and landed a job managing some of their matrix personalities. Her life during this time was complex. Her dedication to the company, her bosses, and her desire to climb the corporate ladder lead her to commit undignified acts, scarring her ethics and wounding her modesty. She was often forced to 'influence' her cast of stars in order to align them with her department's image, whether through drug use, blackmail, threats, or subtle manipulations. The line was finally crossed when a client of hers screwed the pooch royally by admitting the abuses she'd suffered by one of their more touchy employers... The same employer ordered Blake to have the young starlet meet with a fatal accident, reasoning that her close relationship would make it easier to strike an effective blow. While she'd done some horrid things in the past, her contempt for the man and the treacherous nature of the act broke her. She instead faked the starlet's and resigned stating she was unable to stand the guilt. Hand in hand with the now 'deceased' starlet to Seattle to start a new. Using the skills her father and Horizon taught her she designed to say fuck it to the corporate world and run with the shadows, so it was a mildly annoying surprise that the only fixer willing to giver her a shot was one dressed in the garb of her former employer.

Narrative Significant Qualities


Mentor Spirit: Dove


Dry Addict (Mild): BTLs

Social Stress: Publicly Disciplined and Humiliated

Run History

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
Firefly RaveAurora23 April 2082



Contact Connection Loyalty Archetype Profession Aspects Chips
Ace Powers 6 1 Fixer Horizon Talent Agent Musical Talent, Corporate Deals, Keep it Classy, Fake SINs, Insider Knowledge, Horizon Agent, Hired Muscle Even
Mary Chambers 3 4 Service Bartender Race Traitor, Gossip, Fashionista, Matrix Informant, Loyal Friend, Club Connections Even
Mother Bella Lewhous 2 5 Service Druidic Talismonger Paranoids Delusions, Druidic Instructor, Talismonger, A place to hide from the world, Artifact Aficionado Even




In Character Information

Symbols and Signatures

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result

Shadow Community Table

Threshold Result

Assensing Results

{{SearchTable| |LowThreshold=1 |LowResult= |MidThreshold=3 |MidResult= |HighThreshold=5 |HighResult=


SIN Issuer Rating
Esmeralda Blake Horizon & CAS Real
Jessica Leafer UCAS 4


Stand at around 6'7", with fiery red skin and pleasant features Fire Cracker rather easily stands out in a crowd. A spotlight that most would think a meek sounding girl would flounder in , but its only because she manages to hide her confident and ruthless personality she gain from corporate work from the public.


She was forced to abandon her flash suits and gowns for the infinitely more rugged padded jacket. When things get tough she also has a small moped helmet.

Matrix Persona

Media Mentions

ShadowGrid Profile Comments