Miss Moon

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Miss Moon
Construction {Shadow Service}
(That's no moon.)
Contact Owner[1] / BLOOD_LIBRARIAN
Public Contact?Yes
ArchetypeShadow Service
LocationDowntown, Seattle
Preferred Payment Method(Cash, Raunchy Poems, Food)
Personal LifePerfect Marriage (Sorry meat heads!)


A pudgy dwarf whos starting to feel the burn of Wage-slaving her entire life, the lack of appreciation and promotions from higher up has caused the Dwarf behind the "Miss Moon" call-sign to less then wholesome work practices.

Forced to the shadow community under the threat of falling under hard financial times, the mysterious woman under the code name "Miss Moon" has opened up her services for the greater Seattle Shadowrunner community. Her services are short, to the point and simple, yet extremely useful. Building plans, Evidence disposal, misplaced explosives, and the occasional road-work are all one of the many things she can do. A little-falsified paperwork can let a runner through the door, and a small amount of research gives you the exact place to place a bomb that would bring the building down. Anything a construction company that works on roads and buildings can do can be manipulated by the woman with an ego; Miss Moon. Secrets of every little nook and cranny are often exposed when a building is constructed and Saeder-Krupp has its hands in a surprising number of projects in the Seattle zone.

Depending on the building, every little secret may be revealed by the sticky soy-cafe stained blueprint pipeline that her office regularly misplaces.

All it would take to access this resource is a few liquid assets, some cheap to-go food, and Drek-forbid, A poem to get her to give such valuable secrets away.

Key Dice Pools

SkillName (Specialization) - Skill+Attribute(+Specialization)[Relevant Limit]

Matrix (Memes) - 13(15)[9]

Stat Block

B A R S W L I C Ess Edge Magic
5 2 2 6 5 3 6 4 6! 3 None
Condition Monitor 10
Limits Physical 17 , Mental 16, Social 16 (CHA * 2) + WIL + ESS / 3
Initiative 5 +1d6
Con 4
Etiquette 1
Forgery 3 Paper Forgery
Gunnery 1
Intimidation 1
Leadership 5
Negotiation 5 Contracts
Pilot ground craft 1
Knowledge Skills
 Administration 1
 Architecture 6
 Construction 6
 Corporate Gossip 4
 Corporation: Saeder-Krupp 4
 Designer Food 1
 Mnemonic Enhancer Rating 2
 Tailored Pheromones Rating 2
 Actioneer Business Clothes
 Defiance T-250, Short Barrel
 Defiance T-250, Short Barrel, Long Arm, Acc 4, DV 9P, AP -1, SS/SA, ammo 5(m), 50 Capsule rounds (Narcojet)
Vehicles VehicleName
 Transys Steed
 Handling 4/2, Speed 1, Acceleration 1, Body 3, Pilot 2, Sensor 4, Seating 0, Device 2, Data Processing 2, Firewall 2

Condition Monitor: x

Armor: 0

Vehicle Mods:

Vehicle Mod (Rating)


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