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Copy/Paste as requested form the TfD thread. The Sensei quality, contact rules and training times tables. How do? I seem to recall that this had been brought up earlier but I wasn't entirely sure and couldn't find any documentation about it so I decided to do it here since this seems to be something that needs to be addressed across several divisions. Paying a trainer to help you learn a skill roughly halves the time it takes, would the same apply to a Sensei contact? Sensei (which requires at least connection 3) either has a single skill at a rating of 13, instruction dicepool at 10 and a limit of 7 or a skill group at a rating of 12, instruction dicepool at 12 and a limit of 8. How does this interact with our contact creation rules? Furthermore, this... The teacher can only teach up to their own Instruction Rating. is from pg 141 in core. Far as I can tell this hasn't been errata'd at all? So a sensei contact could only give instruction up to some mysterious limit that we don't really get to know but could be from 11 to 1 or so depending on how much charisma they have? I'm feeling kinda bad for bringing this up now, didn't realize just how borked this whole thing was.  +
Can you use bound spirits to do channeling? Do you use the spirit own metal attributes in place of your own when channeling?  +
When a rigger is jumped into the vehicle, does he use his mental stats in place of his physical stats, just physical stats or is it player's choice ? If it is the former or the later what attributes are used in dodging, Reaction plus intuition or intuition plus intuition?  +
Knucks, the underused weapon. Sure you can weaponfoci them for extra dice but most don't for reasons. This is where I ask the few questions relating to them (and as such plasteel boots) * Do they work with killing hands? * Do they work with penetrating strike? * Do they work with critical strike? * Do they work with smashing blow? They're weapons sure, but they use the unarmed active skill to do damage.  +
How does counterspelling work when applied to indirect aoe spells? There is a bit of confusion on the matter currently, as far as I can tell there are two schools of thought on the manner : 1. That counterspelling adds to the soak roll vs aoe indirect spells. 2. That counterspelling adds a defense test that previously did not exist and if successful in reducing the spellcasting hits to less than 3 will make the aoe scatter. Which one of these interpretations is correct?  +
hey i heard there was a discussion on geneware PT that was ongoing, didya guys decide on whether or not to allow that?  +
Can Free Spirits learn and use the Calling Ritual? Related: The Calling ritual states that Mundanes can use Arcana instead of Ritual Spellcasting; does this mean Emerged and non-ritual casting Awakened (Adepts, some Mysads, aspected Magi) cannot?  +
p 201 of street grimoire states: > CONJURING AN ALLY > The ritual for summoning an ally must be performed in a magical lodge with a Force at least equal to the ally being summoned. Follow summoning rules (p. 300, SR5). Immediately after summoning, the spirit must be bound using standard binding rules (p. 300, SR5). Calculate Drain as if summoning and binding a spirit of the ally’s Force. If the binding succeeds, the magician pays an amount of Karma as outlined in the ally’s spirit formula. If the binding generates succeeds, the magician pays an amount of Karma as outlined in the ally’s spirit formula. If the necessary amount of Karma cannot be paid, the ritual fails. The Conjuring an Ally spirit has been referred to as a ritual. My question is does the summoner use Ritual Spellcasting or Summoning skill to bring the ally spirit, before the binding test? If it uses Ritual spellcasting, is it like a standard ritual or is it, as stated above similar to summoning rules where PC rolls Ritual Spellcasting vs Force of ally spirit? Previous ruling has stated: but I still wanted to confirm about the ritual spellcasting thing, since the book states follow summoning rules.  +
Can we buy animals with the domesticated quality, or other attributes that help with training them like "being treated well by metahumans."  +
Is the Aztechnology one-shot-and-then-useless-forever, or can it be reloaded? Aztechnology Striker: The Striker is an extremely light disposable launcher—perfect when you want to de- liver a punch and make a quick, unencumbered getaway. Wireless: You can use the wireless link trigger for your missiles, even if you don’t have DNI (Direct Neural Interface sidebar, p. 222). As far as I can see, it's basically an RPG launcher, jumped up to 2070s tech. It's cheap, it's light-weight, you can reasonable justify not reloading it and just dumping it to get the fuck out, BUT it does seem to actually be reloadable if you wanted to.  +
If a Tm with say Res 4 (Dr4), if the noise in a area is 5, does that mean it under the noise rules (page 421 core under wireless bonuses) that the tm can't be online. If the tm has Fresbel fabric (84 R&G) and looks at a device to lower the noise between it, even if the noise between them is 0, the noise for the tm would still 5 and the tm can't be wireless on meaning it can't do anything to the device on the matrix.  +
If a tm gets the skinlink echo from DT 59p and has cyber ware, how does it act? like can it act like a Internal router or what? If I get a smart link in a cyber eyes or meat eyes, can i use a data jack to pass info from a wireless on smart gun to the smart link? (smart link being wireless off here) Does both the smart link and smart gun need to be both be on or just one of them like the smart gun as long there info being passed in some way between them.  +
clarify and expand the upgrade rules Currently it's unclear how they interact with the 'max avail outside of runs' limit, or if you can upgrade the grade of your ware or when you pay the extra 25% surcharge (why is it a thing, btw?) How I think it works: can upgrade grades, anything that has a rating can be upgraded, the surcharge is only when you're upgrading the ware's grade, anything that is covered by upgrade rules isn't subject to the avail cap (outside of foci and deltaware), the surcharge % is from the difference, not the total cost of the piece of ware. None of this is clear from the entry on the wiki, however. I just assume it works like it used to on the Net.  +
Sacred Circles sidebar: It's under Druid and talks about 'certain traditionalists': Is it possible for a non-druid to make one?  +
Smartgun questions. - The smartgun says it works with a cable, so do I still need an internal router to get the wireless bonus or not? - The wireless bonus is listed under smartgun system but states smartlink, which one of them technically needs to be wireless on?  +
Two rules have been established on the haven, with an unclear interaction: * Characters do not have to pay rent out of pocket for their first month, because they are considered to have already paid rent for that month (prepaid) during chargen. * For every month that characters pay rent, they receive 5 contact chips to improve the loyalty of their contacts. Do characters gain chips for the first month, in which they paid rent in advance?  +
Are Subdue and Grapple the same thing? In the core book they're mentioned together under subduing (pg 195) But R&G mentions : Combat skills encompass the basics of close-combat actions and associated moves (Block, Charge, Dodge, Escape, **Grapple**, Parry, and **Subdue**)  +
Tattoo Magic: Street Grimoire pg 131. Can you therefore get an Unarmed Weapon Focus on yourself, and then apply Elemental Weapon adept power? EDIT: Seen Dusk's earlier question, updating: Can you do the weapon focus thing if you artifice yourself and therefore have the same aura? Related: Bioware, PT Bioware, natural weapons from other sources, including naga and changeling fangs, and changeling thagomizers  +
If your channeling and using spirit powers, can you add power focus to the spirit power?  +
Can a R6 medkit be placed into a piece of armor or clothing? If yes, would it be obvious to someone observing the armor or clothing? Would it receive Concealability modifiers if placed in an armor piece or clothing that adds this?  +