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Here's my next set of questions: 1. Can monofilament whips be used for the sweep, entangle and nerve strike maneuver? 2. Pg 119 of Run Faster states *"While these qualities are intended to be the dark side of SURGE, they can also be taken by characters looking for a little extra flavor from their character’s background, such as mysterious mutations or the side effects of gene therapies."* Can negative metagenic qualities be taken by non SURGED metatypes or metavariants on the Haven? if so how many metagenic qualities can be taken (any limits)? 3. Do you need to meet the requirements for qualities granted to you for free? For example, Dark Ally granted by Traditionalist Black Mage, which has a requirement of Binding 7 and Ritual Spellcasting 9 normally, but is given for free by TBM. Or does "free" simply mean no karma cost to buy it, but you still need to meet the requirements. 4. If you are putting digigrade legs in Obvious full legs. Does it cost capacity **and** essence? Because pg 89 of Chrome flesh is showing 4 capacity and 0.25 essence cost per leg, in addition to cyberleg essence cost. 5. Can you make called shots with the ares screech rifle (mostly wondering about CS vitals)? Also, can turning off your cyber ears give you immunity against the damage done by screech rifle? 6. Does PT bioware affect regeneration? Specifically does PT ware count as deltaware for purposes of not getting rejected by regeneration, or does it get rejected like regular bioware? 7. If you launch an impact grenade at a target A, currently subduing B. Can target A use an interrupt action to let go **and** run for their life with a single interrupt action? Or will it require two interrupts, one to let go and one to RFYL? 8. Do initiative dice from drugs (like Kami or Jazz) stack with improved reflexes adept power?  +
Page #52 of Run & Gun states the following regarding the **Improved Range Finder (accessory)**: > Laser range finders are standard equipment on smartlinks, but if you have the scratch you can make its range calculation functions even better. It combines three technologies—microwave, laser, and radar—to give you an extremely accurate calculation of range. The effect of this is to reduce range modifiers by 1. This only can be used in weapons that have a smartlink; it can be positioned in any slot besides the one that has the smartlink. This bonus cannot be combined with any bonuses from image magnification **on the weapon**. Emphasis is mine. "on the weapon" very clearly states that Improved Range Finder would not stack with image magnification on the weapon, such as a scope. My mechanics question, then, is: Would Improved Range Finder stack with Image Magnification that is NOT on the weapon? Example: You fire the weapon while wearing a pair of sunglasses with Image Magnification modded into them.  +
Can a person train a martial art alongside other things like attributes/Skills?  +
[Deleted]  +
Can the Free Action 'Call A Shot' be combined with the Simple Action 'Take Aim'? Consider the following:   ---   ###Take Aim A character may take aim with a ready firearm, bow, or throwing weapon as a Simple Action. Take Aim actions are cumulative, but **the benefits are lost if the character takes any other kind of action—including a Free Action—at any time before attacking.** Take Aim actions may be extended over multiple Action Phases and Combat Turns. The maximum bonus a character may gain from sequential Take Aim actions, either to her limit or her dice pool, is equal to one-half the character’s Willpower, rounded up. Each Take Aim action applies a +1 dice pool modifier or +1 Accuracy increase to the Attack Test. If the character is using image magnification or a targeting scope, Take Aim must be used to line up the shot in order to receive the bonus from the item. In this case the first action of Take Aim does not provide any additional bonus beyond enabling the function of the modification.   ###Call a Shot A character may call a shot (aim for a vulnerable portion of a target) with this Free Action; see Called Shots, p. 178. **This action must be combined with** a Fire Weapon, Throw Weapon, or Melee Attack Action.   ---   Emphasis is mine. The wording of those two abilities would imply they cannot be used together. If you Take Aim before you Call A Shot, then you lose the benefits of Take Aim when you use the Free Action Call A Shot. Similarly, you cannot Call A Shot before you Take Aim, as Call A Shot must be combined with an attack action.  +
Does an RCCs noise reduction and sharing rule include programs? or are they counted separately? The section 'noise reduction and sharing' only mentions Autosofts but not Programs. And the 'rigger cyberprograms' section does not mention either way. So for a device rating 5 RCC is it "noise reduction, autosoft, and program combined total of 5" or "noise reduction and autosoft combined total of 5, and also 5 programs"?  +