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Concealability from multiple pieces of armor does not stack with other pieces of armor. It will however stack with a concealed pocket or a concealed holster. Note the singular articles there.  +
The quality "Hawk Eye" does not stack with electronic enhancements, cyberware, or bioware. The Adept Power "Improved Sense" mimics certain of the prior, and thus does not stack with the Hawk Eye quality. In short, you can't get double vision magnification. Sorry.  +
Narco will not affect situational or specific bonuses to attributes, such as bonuses to logic-linked skills, or bonuses to strength for lift and carry or grappling damage.  +
When casting a ritual, including the ritual for an Ally Spirits, one uses Ritual Spellcasting.  +
Implants of any kind cannot be both implanted in a living body and be a focus. Per SG, the conflicting auras do not permit it. EDIT: Qi foci may explicitly be tattooed. As a result, one may have a cyberimplant that is also a Qi Focus. Other foci remain invalid targets.  +
The automatic hits from Hardened Armor are extra, and thus do not detract from the dice pool of the subsequent damage resistance test. Unfortunately.  +
A nartaki, or anyone else with Shiva Arms, requires an instance of Ambidextrous for each additional arm in order to avoid penalties with said arm. The Bilateral Coordination Coprocessor will reduce penalties by 2 for any given action. If you are only using one non-primary hand, this will typically be sufficient. However, if you are using multiple, the GM may apply the penalty multiple times, at their discretion. I suggest they only do this in cases where multiple limbs are required to coordinate to a higher degree than firing a weapon - for example performing brain surgery.  +
The noise generated by Smoke and Mirrors can be cancelled out by Noise Reduction. I think that's what noise reduction is for. The noise generated by Smoke and Mirrors explicitly per RAW does not apply to any actions taken against you, except for the Trace Icon action. At no point does Noise Reduction or Smoke and Mirrors indicate that noise reduction also reduces Sleaze rating.  +
There are no plans at this time to alter the availability code of Voidblack.  +
Confirming that called shots with spells are not possible.  +
When one is in VR, one may utilize any of their choice of Intuition or Reaction for tests relating to vehicles and drones that call for either, and their choice of Logic or Agility for tests relating to vehicles and drones that call for either.  +
I am unsure what you mean by "active or passive." Damage resistance tests are not penalized by background counts, regardless of the scenario, so the Mystic Armor adept power is functionally not affected by background counts.  +
A rigger making melee attacks while jumped into a drone uses the relevant melee skill.  +
When fencing gear, players are encouraged to utilize the rules basing the return on a contact's loyalty. However, if the choose to utilize the method that involves finding a buyer, it must be rolled out, at a table, with a GM. Needless to say, if a GM is found to be playing it fast and loose with this, the Thematics Department will probably be very grumpy with them.  +
Flamethrowers will fit on a "Heavy" weapon mount for drones.  +
The cost of customizing the attributes of a cyberlimb is part of the cost of the cyberlimb itself, and is accordingly affected by the grade of the cyberlimb.  +
At this time Mechanics Division is not going to make any sweeping rulings related to drone size and cyberware compartments. However, the Lockheed Optic-X2, when folded up, will fit into a Large Smuggling Compartment cyberware unit. The internal router cyberware may be used on devices held inside cyberware smuggling compartments.  +
Unanswered  +
For the purposes of drone mounts, Hunting Rifles will include all Sporting rifles. Sporting rifles will include all such weapons listed explicitly in crunch as a sporting rifle or using the sporting rifle specialization, as well as the Ruger 950. Sniper Rifles will include all other non-shotguns utilizing the longarms skills.  +
BTLs do not stack with drugs, cause drug interactions like drugs, and overdose like drugs. Incidentally, drugs do not stack, they overlap - you cannot, for example, take Kamikaze twice and gain +4 strength.  +