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The alteration to physical stats by Channeling and Possession are limited by the augmented max of +4.  +
As a general rule, when one is producing foci and selling them for a profit, one is no longer a shadowrunner, and is instead a foci producer. Since this game is about shadowrunners, and not foci producers, generally one should shy away from regular, reliable income sources that are not shadowrunner, or one should retire to those.  +
The Bullets+Bandages medkit rules are not in use on the ShadowHaven.  +
You cannot benefit from multiple instances of the same program on a cyberdeck or other device, regardless of how you may attempt to do so.  +
Per recent Council ruling, it is now permanent burnout to reach 0 current magic.  +
Touch is a valid Unarmed skill specialization.  +
Adepts, Magicians, Aspected Magicians, and Mysads following Oracle both may and must take the Divination art and the Augury and Sortilege ritual for the next initiation if they do not already possess it. Adepts and Mystic Adepts without the Magician's Way, as well as any Aspected Conjurers or Aspected Enchanters may still use the Augury and Sortilege ritual, completing the ritual with a straight Magic check (rolling their Magic attribute only in d6) instead of Ritual Spellcasting + Magic, and interpreting the answer to the Question with an Arcana + Logic check. Mystic Adepts who are not locked out of Sorcery and who are following the Magician's Way, and any Magician or Aspected Sorcerer, will use Ritual Spellcasting to complete the ritual as per the usual rules. As usual, the Augury and Sortilege ritual is highly dependent on factors that are not actually within the GM's control, and I encourage you to be cautious even in the face of a seemingly definitive answer. The future is, after all, very tricky. If a character who does not have Ritual Spellcasting is no longer following Oracle, they may not make use of these rules in order to utilize Augury and Sortilege. They are only available to those who stick with Oracle's Gifts.  +
Please rephrase your question as a question.  +
When an approved book makes reference to anything in an edition of Shadowrun other than 5th edition, please god ignore that reference. Thank you.  +
There is no 25% surcharge on 'ware upgrades.  +
Mana Bind and Mana Net are defended against by Willpower + Charisma for the initial defense. This is an assumption made from the text and thus is an extended interpretation of the rules, rather than strict RAW.  +
Just because you have an RCC does not mean you are a Rigger in-universe. A rigger is someone who has a control rig. Dual natured creatures have no special difficulties interacting with the matrix. Utilizing a non-AR method of interacting with the matrix is permitted by default with all normal commlinks, RCCs, and cyberdecks, assuming they do not have a form factor that renders this impossible. However, utilizing non-AR methods of interacting with the matrix means that you functionally cannot "keep up" in matrix combat, and thus cannot realistically hack. In effect, they are not capable of entering initiative, and all actions should be considered as taking a minimum of a combat turn to enact. It is also worth noting that spirits (specifically, as opposed to dual natured creatures generally) are not capable of entering AR or VR.  +
Trust Fund covers only the base cost of the lifestyle for your metatype, without any adjustments due to subscriptions or addons. However, these may be added onto the lifestyle "out of pocket", which can include your monthly stipend but is permitted to exceed it.  +
Anthrodrones may wield metahuman weapons. They utilize the weapon targetting autosoft as normal when on autopilot, and the weapon skill itself when controlled remotely or by being jumped in, rather than gunnery. Anthrodrones may wear metahuman armor, but may not benefit from it's armor score.  +
You cannot handwave any skill training. The rules for training skills are pretty much always in effect. One's initial downtime period begins immediately after being approved, however, one cannot backdate anything into this time period. They possess only the nuyen and karma that they had when they exited character creation. Given that you cannot place GMP into a character until after their first run, they will likely need to go on a run in order to see any serious growth. Adrenaline Surge will function only on Meat initiative.  +
The Hobo With A Shotgun actually states that you will not willingly stay in a better lifestyle than squatter. This means that you cannot pay for it and add it to your sheet. The penalty to mental attributes will apply if you are *forced* into that situation, such as if a fellow runner kidnaps you and locks you in their penthouse in order to try to cure your obvious mental illness. The Hobo With A Shotgun quality actually does not care about your comforts and necessities value, nor any other value of an advanced lifestyle. Incidentally, a Bolt Hole is not intended for long term inhabitation. While the argument could be made that neither is a particularly sturdy cardboard box hidden under a pier, the difference is a little academic - Hobo With A Shotgun does not permit you to stay in a Bolt Hole willingly. It's something about the roofs, man.  +
Essence lost on any character affects their essence score. This applies to Strain 1 infected equally. However, Strain 1 can store essence points in excess of their current, actual essence, typically twice as many points. So a Banshee who burns out one point of essence then has a "maximum" essence of 10. They also lose one point of current essence, as well as any essence in excess of their new maximum.  +
A select sound filter set up to filter out a Paralyzing Howl provides bonus dice equal to the rating of the select sound filter on your defense test against the power. It does not provide immunity.  +
Licenses for spells will be handled by spell category on the ShadowHaven. There are no rules in 5th edition or on ShadowHaven for the use of material links in place of a spotter at this time, and there are no plans to add them at a future date. There are no rules in 5th edition or on Shadowhaven for the creation of your own spell formulae at this time. They may, but probably will not, be included in my future theoretical downtime overhaul, or FTDTO for short.  +
Alternate Spider, as listed on FA 100 will be given one rank of Hang Time (SG 171) and one rank of Spirit Claw (SG 174), instead of the listed benefits.  +