
From ShadowHaven Reloaded
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Banned Miscellaneous Content

Banned Items

Banned Drones

  • Horizon Little Buddy (Page 146, Rigger 5.0)
  • Medusa Extensions (Page 147, Cutting Aces)
  • Noizquito (Page 128, Rigger 5.0)

Banned Vehicles & Vehicle Mods

  • Chameleon Coating (Page 184,194 Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 Chameleon Coating on ShadowHaven)
  • Official Emergency Vehicle attribute modifier (Page 187,197 Stolen Souls)
  • Smuggling Compartment (Dwarf, Human, Elf, or Ork) (Page 186, Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 smuggling compartments on ShadowHaven)
  • Smuggling Compartment (Troll) (Page 186, Stolen Souls) (We only use the Rigger 5 smuggling compartments on ShadowHaven)
  • The Stoner-Ares M-22A1 Vehicle Mounted Heavy Machine Gun (Page 130, Street Lethal) shall be banned from all use, including by GMs.
  • Weapon Mounts (Page 461, Core) (We only use the Rigger 5 weapon mount rules on ShadowHaven)
  • Yerz Kit (Page 187, The Complete Trog) (Use ‘Yerzed Out’ from Page 171, Rigger 5.0)

Banned Cyberware/Bioware

  • Immunization (Chrome Flesh 164)
  • All Gammaware grades
  • All Omegaware grades

Banned Qualities

Positive Qualities

  • Better to be Feared than Loved (Chrome Flesh, Page 54)
  • Dracoform (Any) (Howling Shadows, 163-164)
  • Friends in High Places (Run Faster, Page 147)
  • Human Lifespan (The Complete Trog, Page 188): Having a human lifespan can be done for free as a fluff decision.
  • Latent Dracomorphosis (Howling Shadows, Page 164)
  • Massive Network (No Future, Page 177)
  • Networker (No Future, Page 177)
  • Observant (Street Lethal, Page 127): Is assumed to be automatically possessed by all characters. !!!INCLUDE LINK TO OBSERVANT RULING BELOW!!!!

Nagative Qualities

  • Amnesia: Neural Deletion & Surface Loss (Run Faster, Page 152)
  • Borrowed Time (Run Faster, Page 153)
  • Consummate Professional (Assassin's Primer, Page 17)
  • Dead Emotion (Chrome Flesh, Page 57)
  • Dead SIN (Better Than Bad, Page 162)
  • Earther (Run & Gun, Page 169)
  • Every Man For Himself (Street Lethal, Page 181)
  • Escaped Custody (Kill Code, Page 99)
  • Hung Out to Dry (Run Faster, Page 155)
  • In Debt (Run Faster, Page 156)
  • Neoteny (Run Faster, 121) - The negative metagenic quality Neoteny (RF, 121) has been banned for play on the Haven unless the character is a Gnome. Any characters that have the Neoteny quality that are not gnomes and have been approved prior to October 16th, 2020 are grandfathered in and may keep the quality. As a note, Gnome neoteny does not make the gnome appear childlike.
  • One of Them (Chrome Flesh, Page 58)
  • Pregnant (Bullets & Bandages, Page 12)
  • So Jacked Up (Chrome Flesh, Page 59)
  • Stay Out Of My Way (Street Lethal, Page 127)
  • Stolen Gear (No Future, Page 177)
  • This Is Your Last Chance (Street Lethal, Page 129)
  • Tough and Targeted (Chrome Flesh, Page 59)
  • 'Ware Intolerance (Kill Code, Page 100)

Banned Mechnics

  • Pharmaceutical Drug Grade (Page 190, Chrome Flesh)
  • Customizing Drugs (pgs. 190-192 Chrome Flesh)
  • Forcing another character to take chemicals with no penetration or power during combat is not allowed on the Haven (including by GMs).
  • Group Resources (Page 43, Data Trails)

Banned Lifestyle Options

Hotel California (Page 226, Run Faster)

Altered Miscellaneous and Rulings

Armor Stacking

  • Concealability Stacking: Concealability from multiple pieces of armor does not stack with other pieces of armor. It will however stack with a concealed pocket or a concealed holster. Note the singular articles there.

Fencing Gear


  • Flechette Ammo: Weapons with Flechette as part of their damage code default can only fire flechette rounds. This does not include Stick n Shock Flechette..
  • Flechette Ammo Stick n Shock Flechette can only be loaded into shotguns per RAW.


  • Ammo Types: "The Gyrojet pistol has two types of ammo. The full statline will be provided below. One of these is fabricated but identical to what is listed in Hero Lab.

Gyrojet Ammo - +0 DV, +0 AP. 12F availability. 80 nuyen/10 rounds.

Gyrojet Stick'n'shock - -2S(e), -5 AP. 14R availability. 160 nuyen/10 rounds."

Parashield Dart Weapons

  • Parashield Dart Pistol: Parashield Dart Pistols will be treated as Heavy Pistols for the purposes of mounting them on drones and vehicles.
  • Parashield Dart Rifle: Parashield Dart Rifles will be treated as Sniper Rifles for the purposes of mounting them on drones and vehicles.



  • Mele attacks while jumped in: A rigger making melee attacks while jumped into a drone uses the relevant melee skill.