Birds and the Bees on the High Seas

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Birds and the Bees on the High Seas
LocationRedonda, Caribbean League
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
Le Chateau Gateau
Redonda, the devil island
Casualties and losses
None! :D 2x death spiral butterflies, the dignity of 1 sangre del diablo


Redonda is a spoopy island covered in plants that want to kill you and bugs that want to have babies in you. It's horrible. And there's an old man here who really wanted to take a picture of a flaming bird.


Mr and Mrs Mirabel are a delightful elderly couple who are quite prolific in the 'wealthy adventuring nature nerd' societies. When Mr Mirabel goes missing for nearly a month on an island in the Caribbean league, his wife gets concerned and calls Le Chateau Gateau to help.

The Meet

The party, arriving from a variety of states of confusion from their home, arrive at Le Chateau Gateau and partake of the fairground. They also meet Butlerusk, the Johnson for this run.

He explains the Mirabel's situation, where he is, and offers the team a fee of six thousand nuyen if they can bring the man back alive. Four thousand if dead.

They talk him up to 8k, 4 before, 4 after.

The Plan

Spending time learning about the island, why a man would disappear there, and what to expect, the party learns about Sangre Del Diablo and Breath of the Devil. Quickly learning why Redonda's resurgence from rock to floating jungle has made it known as a devil's island - no not like the Isla Del Diablo, this one is worse.

They also learn about Mr Mirabel, his engagements in political and educational matters, and his love of nature.

Oh, and like half of the island is floating because of porous ash and grasses that clumped it all together.

All that's was left to do was go on the island and try and find the guy with the help of a couple spirits

The Run

Encountering minor resistance from the floating mass of the island, the party continued inland to a smoking hole in the grasses. Sizzles determined it to be burn off from a volcanic current and decided to ignore it.

Further inland they were beset by hungry Death Spiral Butterflies that almost went unnoticed. It wasn't until Sizzle's keen cameras caught the bugs as one bit Belfry that they managed to smack the bugs into the afterlife and then, remembering what they did back in the Amazonia Conflict, decided 'ah, surgery is the best option. Where he promptly removed a combined total of 10 eggs from both Belfry and Chameleon - the latter of which were wearing shorts.

Approaching the crest of the island's peaks, they were beset by one of the things that they had been warned about. A Sangre Del Diablo. And it immediately had caught Chameleon and Ellis in their trek, compelling them to rest under its branches (and be fired upon.) Both spend edge and weren't blown up by acidic danger pods, but still their determination carried them forward.

After attempting to blow up the trees (to little effect), Mr Mirabel came out of the brush and told them to cut the racket before the trees - or worse - get angry with them. And that he was trying to get a picture of the Phoenician Macaw.

The party indulged him, and using the power of Belfry's baller plant spirit, managed to sneak past all the remaining plants, a giant fuck-off crocodile, get the picture of the bird undetected, and go home to celebrate.

Gosh dang spirits, I tell ya.

Oh and along the way, a tree murdered the hell out of one of Belfry's watcher spirits.


Having got the picture, the party got Mr Mirabel home, and the picture was a show stopper, netting everyone a bonus 2k nuyen.


Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)