Guiding North Star

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Guiding North Star
Status Threat Level: Medium
Factions Involved
The Lady of Pain
Major Corp
Initiation run


Following the guidance and instructions on Wychking, North Star Investigations has been operating in Seattle helping citizens both alive and dead. In order to solicit help for the grander ideals espoused by Louhi, the Lady of Pain has offered the teachings of Wychking with perhaps a different spin. One of the few people to reach out was Surtr, who took the ordeal as an calling, an awakening, a chance to be something better.


As a mage, Surtr had spent most of their life without training. No books, no masters, nothing of the sort. The chance to learn from an actual mentor was something she wanted dearly, especially given the fact that the potential teacher was Wychking; or at least scriptures and writings left by Wychking.

The Meet

Surtr met the Lady of Pain at North Star Private Investigations. Being let in, she met with the Lady herself, who began to teach Surtr what should have been basics of magic; an understanding of some trivial magic lore, as well as teaching her the basics of astral projecting. After the rundown of basics, she imparted a task on Surtr; Find out what the Corpse Cadaver in her office wanted, and help it find peace.

The Plan

The plan was straightforward: Gather information from and on the corpse cadaver, and then find what the cadaver needs to have peace.

The Run

It started off with a simple conundrum. Find what the spirit wanted. With a name, date of birth, and blood type. Upon some simple questioning, the corpse,



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)