Noblesse Oblige

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Noblesse Oblige
Part of The Light Before We Land
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
Senomy Tri-lace
Farraday's Clinic
Major Corp
Red Ribbon


The fallen pieces of Farraday's clinic slowly yearn to reassemble. Senomy Tri-Lace, one of Liam Borrinea's associates is looking for info on Dr. Nina Farraday's disappearance. The runners are tasked with finding out some details for her to fgo off of.


Senomy Tri-Lace worked with Liam Borrinea at Farraday's Clinic, and now that the dust has settled, they're looking for clues on what happened. She uses the last of her savings ( a mere 24 thousand nuyen ) to hire four runners into searching for anything, any data on what happened and where the Dr. Went. Having worked with Senomy before, Blackhawk and Red Ribbon's presence calms Senomy.

The Meet

The team met with Senomy at an abandoned warehouse. With the down-low of the situation, she lets them know what she needs: Find information about where Farraday might be. The only lead, someone from one of the infected communities was at a separate clinic and heard Farraday's named dropped. She offered to pay them for anything they dig up, but this was the last of her money. The team decide not to extort on this one, and gather their belongings to figure out where to go and what to do.

The Plan

The team decide that legwork is going to be a large portion of the run; between Setter, Phototaxis, and Red Ribbon, the three have many options for legwork and scouting out potential leads. So, the plan boils down to: Persue leads until something meaty, hopefully culminating in getting close to the clinic where Farraday was mentioned.

The Run

With a photo of the target in hand, Phototaxis and Red Ribbon get to work. The duo find out where the target is, and also information about their life. The target, Raine Sage. Their data on the net, as well as the fact they were infected, brought the team to the conclusion that they were using escorting clients as feeding sources. Given that, the team gathered further information and Blackhawk kept it, unsure if they wanted to sell it to Bellerophon. Next up they directly made contact with Raine, where Setter asked directly about Farraday. Raine gave them the address to the clinic, and asked them to not contact her further, to which most of the runners agreed.

Arriving at the clinic, the team did some further searching. In stark contrast to Dr. Nina Farraday, Lind-Zei Burtton had their PhD revoked, and was no longer able to work at most clinics. As such, she begrudgingly helps the community she can, at a hole-in-the-wall under visited clinic. Inside was Lind-Zei and her assistant, as well as a background void and three force 8 guardian spirits, there to protect the clinic. Moving to get inside the clinic, Setter and Phototaxis interrogated Burtton. Finding out that Farraday was in captivity of an unknown corpo, it sounds like they would be put onto a yacht and sailed out of UCAS, to somewhere abroad.

having gotten the information, the team decided to bug out, but not before being intruded on by an ambush from the last dregs of Pixy Squad. Fighting off Ulem and his goons, the team survived but not unscathed. Red Ribbon and her car took damage, but the rest of the team was able to fend the last ones off, with some ease.


With the details in hand, a horrified Senomy set out to try and nab as many resources as possible to save Dr. Farraday, unsure if many will connect with their rallying call. Blackhawk decided not to sell the data to Bellerophon, saving Raine and her family from destruction for at least a day longer.


8K Nuyen - 4RVP
8 Karma - 8RVP
8 CDP - 4RVP
2CDP Base
+5 Farraday's Clinic Rep

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)