Watership Down

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Watership Down
Status Threat Level: Milk
Factions Involved
Seattle Software and Special Investigations
Kate Markson
Major Corp
Red Ribbon Character1


After the waged war against Pixy Squad, S3I restructured and prepared for the oncoming storm of being a figurehead company within Seattle. Many people have their eyes on S3I, and Red Ribbon is no less one of those people. Due to her connections, Ribbon heads on down to talk with WRN3 about ongoings and his health.


S3I has had many troubles over the years and has recently opened a new company office. Given some recent happenings in Seattle, Red Ribbon decides to head on down to S3I to double check how WRN3 is, but also to see if S3I Knows about the impending Fae problems that seems to be popping up in Seattle recently.

The Run

  • ribbon goes to S3I and gets a package for her with "your eyes only"
  • Opens in elevator, contains employee stuff, cigs
  • Cigs contain info on a hidden note saying 'woundwort'
  • Ribbon eats the paper, meets WRN3
  • WRN3 is serious, bugs about, they go to Ribbons car to chat
  • Talk about watership down
  • talks about el-ahrairah
  • 'there are bugs in our company, wtf'
  • they talk about the fae being in the company, including Sulla (fake)
  • Ribbon mentions she needs to figure out how to kill Sulla
  • Ribbon and WRN3 mention they'll work together
  • RR Turns down full employment
  • WRN3 mentions that Ribbons card has as much access as WRN3 does at this time.
  • WRn3 and riubbon head back inside, ribbon hits the armory
  • Ribbon figures some stuff at the range, makes some shots and gets out to do more legwork



  • 6K or up to 12K in electronics, drones, weapons, ammo up to base avail 19 (3RVP)
  • 4 CDP (2RVP)
  • 2 CDP Base

Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)