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Kon-Sulting's very own Kon Kon


Kon-Sulting!! is not your typical consulting firm. Founded and masterminded by the cunning and charming Kon Kon, this unconventional organization operates under the radar, offering a unique blend of services that seamlessly combine business acumen with a touch of eccentricity.

Mission Statement
Turning your Chaos into our Cash!
Where chaos meets Kon-Sultation, success is not a question but questionable!

General Information

Strategic Consultation with a Twist
A team of experts, handpicked by Kon Kon herself, specializes in providing strategic advice with an unconventional edge. Expect solutions that defy the norm and break through into insanity.
Paw-rivate Security Solutions
Kon-Sulting!! boasts an elite team of security personnel discreetly ensuring the safety and prosperity of our clients. Our approach is unorthodox, ensuring a level of protection that goes beyond the ordinary.
Hostess Cafe Headquarters
Located above a vibrant Hostess Cafe operated by Kon Kon, our headquarters is not your typical office space. The lively atmosphere below adds a touch of entertainment to our professional pursuits.
Kon Kon - Founder and Chief Kon-Sultant!!
A fox girl with an insatiable appetite for money and power, Kon Kon's intellect and charm drive the success of Kon-Sulting!! Her keen sense of strategy and unconventional methods make her an indispensable leader.
The Eccentric Kon-Sultants!!
Kon-Sulting!! employs a select few individuals with diverse talents and eccentricities. From master strategists to specialists in unique problem-solving, each consultant brings a unique flair to the organization.


  • generate wealth
  • create a shrine to Kon Kon
  • Live the good life
  • Help reed recover


Kon Kon
Fillia Ruadh


The 9-5 Grind at Stuffer Shack

  • In the not-so-distant past, Kon Kon found herself stuck in the mundane routine of a 9-5 job at a local Stuffer Shack. The monotonous days, limited opportunities, and a yearning for something more fueled her desire for change. Behind her seemingly ordinary life, Kon Kon harbored an untapped brilliance and ambition that begged for release.

Transgenic Transformation - Embracing the Fox

  • The turning point came when Kon Kon discovered the world of transgenic alterations, a cutting-edge technology prevalent in the gritty world of Shadowrun. Tired of blending into the background, she decided to undergo a radical transformation, choosing the sleek and cunning appearance of a fox. This alteration not only enhanced her self confidence, but also gave her an undeniable allure and an edge that set her apart from the corporate crowd.

The Unconventional Hostess Cafe

  • Embracing her newfound identity and armed with the charisma of a fox, Kon Kon set out to create her own path. With a knack for business and a desire to entertain, she opened an unconventional hostess cafe in the heart of a bustling Shadowrun city. The cafe became a haven for those seeking an escape from the shadows, a place where business deals intertwined with entertainment in unexpected ways. It was during this phase that Kon Kon honed her skills in negotiation, manipulation, and the art of reading people, laying the foundation for her future endeavors.

Kon-Sulting!! - A New Breed of Power Brokers

  • As the hostess cafe thrived, Kon Kon's ambitions soared. Recognizing the potential in her unique skill set, she formed Kon-Sulting!!, a clandestine consulting firm that blurred the lines between legitimate advice and shadow dealings. The hostess cafe now served as the perfect cover for her covert operations, with the upper floor doubling as Kon-Sulting's headquarters.
  • Kon Kon's fox-like cunning and magnetic charisma attracted a select group of talented individuals to her cause. Kon-Sulting!! quickly gained a reputation for its unorthodox methods and mild success in navigating the intricate web of politics. Whether it was corporate espionage, strategic consultation, or discreet security services, Kon-Sulting!! became somewhat of a go-to choice for those who understood the power of the unconventional.
  • Kon Kon had transformed from a Stuffer Shack employee to the fox-faced mastermind behind a thriving hostess cafe and a covert consulting empire (If you can call six employees and a hostess cafe an empire). Her journey was a testament to her desire to have fame and power, going through all the stops to be as capricious and famed as a certain kitsune goddess.