The Memories That Bind

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The Memories That Bind
Status Threat Level: High
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Sumitomo Chemicals Redmond Crimson Wings LLC
Mara Bridgett Ryan
Mark Curry
Melvin Franklin
Little Water Spirit
Redmond's Mayor
Orianna Cazador
Casualties and losses


  • Visit from Mortimer
    • Talk about Dave
    • Talk about Sumitomo - just moved to a new spot, doing the same thing
    • Honor Dave's memory by getting them to clean up
  • Visits Zenith for recommendations about who to talk to.
    • Urubia
    • Kalynar
    • Mayor of Redmond - Socialist, good connection to 'the people'
    • He gives her the chip the he retrieved in Quantum of Solace
  • Matrix Search Sumitomo Chemical
    • Need extra oomph goes to crime mall to purchase agent.
    • Discovers local management
  • Visit the Snoqualmie River
    • Water Samples before and after factory
    • Talks to Donald - Tribal person, promises seeds
    • Donald tells her what the local spirits say. Complaints about river pollution.
    • Summons F6 fire spirit for backup. Tyger (William Blake poem).
    • Meets 'Roger' the small water spirit (actual name is the sound of rain hitting a window)
    • Offers to move Roger to a more pleasant place.
    • Samples acquired. Roger moved. Tygar bound - agrees to burn black cotton wood, use the ash in gardening.
    • Samples sent to Dameon Morris.
  • Moves to contact the Mayor
    • Pinnacle House to get ideas.
    • Eli Johnson is suggested by a local.
  • Goes to see Eli Johnson
    • Rachelle Donaldson - Mayor's scheduler.
    • Molly Maguire - Originally Irish group, new groups use the name for union type movements.
    • Reach out to both.
  • Meeting scheduled to talk to Rachelle Donaldson.
  • Molly Maguire
    • Looks in to former issue in Sumitomo had in Snohomish.
    • Would help to know if they are willfully breaking regs.
  • Flyspy - purchased
    • Sent to observe in trash can.
    • Melvin Franklin - crossreferenced as possibly sinless based on social media. Working at plant.
    • follows to Pinnacle House
    • Offers bribes for some pictures and inside info. Melvin agrees.
    • Has a fight in the parking lot after someone is rather rude.
  • Malia Strongoak visits
    • Talk about spellcasting
    • Talk about spirits
      • Negotiate an end date no more than 1 year and 1 day.
      • Invite to Ceremony
    • Offers backing for environmental lawyers likely from her vast immortal elf riches.
    • Meeting with Lawyers set
  • Hershberg and Morris - lawyers
    • Present info, talk strategy. Things look good
    • Darcy - Dwarf paralegel goes along for meeting with Mayor's PA.
  • Meet with Rachelle Donaldson
    • Present info. Ask to talk to mayor
    • Mayor meeting set for near close of business.
  • Urubia - For the extra Ooomph
    • Gets in touch with Orianna Cazador via Crimson Wings LLC matrix presence. Realtor (Sheldon Jenkins Esq). Cazador calls back. Speak in Sperethiel.
    • Quick meeting set.
    • Mara talks to Urubia and asks to drop her name in the meeting. Urubia agrees - land down river for the frogs.
    • Official correspondence from Urubia to validate her participation.
  • Meeting with the Mayor
    • More presenting stuff. She agrees to participate.
  • Asks Molly Maguire to get info on to commlinks for Bridgett and Mark.
    • VR Meeting set.
    • Mara makes clear that all they want is a clean bill of health for the river and that's not very hard.
    • Agreement.
  • Memories
    • Meetings. Oakforest. TT Nobles. Lofwyr.
    • The Scribe
    • Laesa Types
    • Denver trip
      • Handing over prisoner w/eavesdropper.
      • Lamashtu recieves.
      • Mara shares some info with Ohrwurm who seems interested and appreciative.


The Meet

The Plan

The Run



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)