Front Point & Center
Front Point & Center | |||||||||
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Factions Involved | |||||||||
ShadowHaven | uFront Exchange Fund | ||||||||
Bunny Hop Gehenna Mojo Joe Oberon Trades | Mr. Johnson | ||||||||
Casualties and losses | |||||||||
Financially ruined |
The team races to the airport to grab free tickets to a job in New York. Once they arrive in New York, the team purchases forged passes and heads to Wall Street to meet with Mr. Johnson, a member of uFront Exchange Fund. The team barely manage to persuade him into covering the expenses incurred to reach the job before being let loose. Bhop and Trades perform some matrix shenanigans while Oberon and Gehenna canvas the trading floor. Mojo Joe goes to talk to the fired stock broker. The team reconvenes to discuss their discoveries and decides to save the global economy. They help the mole disappear to a new life in Montreal and convincingly lie to the Johnson to convince him they killed the mole instead of them planning to bust his plot wide open. They get paid and head back home to Seattle.
uFront Exchange Fund has been trading like a bunch of maniacs leaving the rest of the financial world befuddled. Amidst this, their Johnson sends out a call to the shadowrunners of Seattle: "The first 4 people to find my man in the Seattle Airport get a free trip to a job in New York."
The Meet
The team races to the airport to grab free tickets to a job in New York. Once they arrive in New York, the team purchases forged passes and heads to Wall Street to meet with Mr. Johnson, a member of uFront Exchange Fund. The team barely manage to persuade him into covering the expenses incurred to reach the job before being let loose.
The Plan
Almost immediately, Bhop finds evidence of a recently fired employee's files being Nuked-from-Orbit. From there they crack into the firm's trading history and Trades discovers that they were planning to collapse several corporate bonds in order to make hundreds of millions of nuyen off of options positions stacked on other options. Mojo Joe headed to speak with the fired broker in order to acquire any intel that they could while Gehenna and Oberon canvassed the floor to dig for some information on the firm. Mojo is able to successfully talk the man into handing over a datachip including evidence of the corporation's scheme. Trades unlocked a mag lock on one of the floor manager's office and Oberon slipped in to plant a data tap and turn the terminal on. Almost immediately, Trades is spotted by an AI inside of the terminal. Trades rapidly forged some documents in order to give Gehenna some evidence to stop the AI from raising an alarm. The team pretends to be members of a corp being acquired by uFront and successfully deceives the AI. Quickly the team turns off the terminal and reconvenes with Mojo to go over the information that they've gatherd.
Several options about what to do with the information gets passed around such as using it to screw Saeder-Krupp, using it to screw MCT, or cracking the scheme wide open in order to stop the global economy from collapsing. Eventually the team decides that they're going to crack the scheme wide open, but deceive the Johnson into believing that they dealt with the mole. Bhop quickly threads an FAQ on the data chip and finds that the true mole has accessed it. The team decides to give the man the Montreal special.
The Run
On the man's way home from work, Gehenna and Mojo intrude into his taxi and offer him a deal. Shut up and move to Montreal and the team doesn't hand him over to his boss in order for him to be killed. He enthusiastically agrees and finances him and his family's escape from New York. The team hacks an alleyway's camera to forge a video of them killing the man, and Trades makes some forensic blood splatters in the alleyway to provide additional evidence. The team returns to the Johnson who hands the team ebony credsticks loaded with 34000 nuyen and warns them to invest in gold. Unaware of the fact that the team plans to financially ruin him.
--- Run Consequences
- Mitsuhama suffers minor losses but manages to inoculate its assets against major losses.
- Shiawase's reputation is maintained as accurate predictors of the stock market.
- uFront Exchange Fund is lynched publicly for attempting to crash the market. Mr. Johnson is never going to financially recover.
- Several corporate-backed securities go under, causing thousands of grassroots stock owners to lose their minds as their portfolio value tanks to -400%.
- News report on this attempted fraud, but it drowns rather quickly under other financial news due to minimizing the impacts
- The banks cover practically all of their losses by increasing loan interest rates on lower class clients
--- Run Rewards for Front Point & Center (High, 16 RVP)
- 30,000 Nuyen (15 RVP)
- 4,000 Nuyen (Negotiation Bonus)
- 1 Karma (1 RVP)
- 2 CDP
- Trades may acquire Sprite Affinity or Lucky at Chargen Rates
- Gehenna may acquire Alibi for lying with concrete evidence at chargen rates
Player After Action Reports (AARs)
I had a great time working with Bhop. That's the first time I've met an AI. It was terrifying that it was able to spot me even with Bhop's technomancy. During the course of the run, I feel like something about me just changed. I think I just feel luckier than I did before. It's a shame that we didn't get to screw over MCT, but I can't blame Bhop for not wanting to hurt the little people.