Rick Steves Memorial Station

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Rick Steves Memorial Station
Corf's Home Base
Location Creatorsamitefan1
ArchetypeSubway Station
IC OwnerAbandoned
Background Count1


An abandoned subway station for a transit system that never materialized. Built as a test, the system this station represents was envisioned as a way of connecting many different types of transportation. Named in honor of a Fifth World travel expert dedicated to making travel accessible to everyone, the station stands as a monument to a failure of that vision. Dust covers most surfaces, and

Distinctive Features

This is for a more detailed description, highlighting specific features using Level 3 sub-headers where reasonably sensible.

IC Information

Notable Associated Characters

Corf can be more easily found here than many other locations in the Seattle Metroplex.

Matrix Search Table

Threshold Result
1 Rumors exist of a old subway station somewhere in the barrens, meters under the ground. It's somewhere in Redmond.
3 An abandoned subway station, rumored to be haunted.
6 Part of an abandoned transit project from the Fifth World days; rumors abound of a spectral minecart passing across the rails.

Area Knowledge:Seattle Table

Threshold Result

Runs Featuring This Location

NameGMMetaplotDate of Run
The Empress of Ireland Part 1VilliersAll Aboard!29 June 2085