Three Deckers at Minase

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Three Deckers at Minase
LocationRedmond Barrens
Status Threat Level: Low
Factions Involved
ShadowHaven Major Corp



Since his partner was killed during HR Complaint, Detective Maxwell Strong has had his eyes opened to the realities of the world around him. Corporations, conspiracy, shadowrunning, and the whole nine yards - he’s dug into his former partner’s files and managed to find the thing that got him killed; he was looking a little too closely into some sort of the situation with Aztechnology and smuggling rings. While, granted, Micah ap Llewelyn was legitimately a shit person on his own, he was generally doing his job. Now, Detective Strong is on his own and on the outs - and looking for help.

And strangely enough, knows some reasonably good deckers who seem to be skilled at doing things they shouldn’t.

The Meet

Detective Maxwell Strong gets the drop on Chance and, after a brief and tense discussion, explains that his dead partner Micah, while ALSO being a trashfire of a person, was investigating some things through 'outside of Knight Errant channels'. Strong hires Chance to put a team together and investigate illegal smuggling which is being routed through Redmond Stuffer Shacks.

The Plan

Chance gathers the team with the promise of a low paying job and possibly the ability to steal stuff. The team, given the pinkest of mohawks, decides to just ... go... to the Stuffer Shacks directly.

Fennec recalls that there are a number of conspiracy theories regarding Aztechnology smuggling things into and through Seattle, using the various Stuffer drones in order to move product.

Geo does some matrix searching and finds some directory information for local Stuffer shacks and begins to cross reference them by activity levels, realizing that most of the ones in Redmond are nearly constantly active with drones and people.

The Run

The team heads to one of the local Stuffer Shacks in Touristville and starts to dig into the Host when Geodesic... happens. As she is about to go on another Edit Spree due to her dissonance issue.

Chance and Fennec are able to get into the data cache and realize that there are a number of in/out files which don't quite match - items coming in on some orders and items going out on some orders that either never left nor never actually arrived. All of them seem to reference a location nearby that corresponds to a warehouse.

At the warehouse, they find a small Troll gang guarding the warehouse and some hidden icons inside.



Game Quotes

Player After Action Reports (AARs)